Chapter 4

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"Lord Issei it's time to wake up". Issei heard a woman's voice and he groaned.

"Why am I going to school again"? Issei called out as the door opened and Zest walked in wearing a maid outfit.

"Because Rias is also going same with the other Lord Issei, I have your clothes ready for you"

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"Because Rias is also going same with the other Lord Issei, I have your clothes ready for you". Issei groaned and got up and out of bed.

"Thank you Zest". Issei said and she smiled.

"Of course Lord Issei". Zest walked out and Issei showed and got his clothes on (bio pick) Issei looked at his dragon tattoo on his left arm.

"Good morning Issei". Ddraig spoke up and Issei smirked.

"Good morning Ddraig, how you doing"? Issei asked his partner who chucked.

"Not much happy birthday as well, but remember what today is". Ddraig told Issei who nodded his head.

"We fight Sirzechs today". Issei told himself as he was ready for this battle, no one knows about him being the red dragon emperor but Rias's family/Peerage members. Zest also knows but she was moved as his personal maid after the fight with Grayfia.

"Be ready Issei, he is not gonna hold back against you". Ddraig told Issei who nodded his head as he went downstairs.

"All set to go Lord Issei". Zest asked and he nodded.

"Yes I will be on my way I will see you later zest". Issei told her and she walked up and kissed his cheek.

"Happy birthday". She said and Issei smiled and vanished in a blue of his crimson aura.

With Rias

Rias and her group of friends where walking together when Issei appears in front of them.

"Guess who"? Issei asked jokingly and the group smiled.

"If it isn't the birthday boy, happy birthday man". Issei and Kiba did a little handshake and he hugged Akeno Rias and Koneko.

"Happy birthday Issei". Rias said to her best friend who smiled. "We are excited for later when you wi battle my brother". Rias told Issei who smirked.

"I am gonna give him one hell of a fight that's for sure". Issei told her and Rias nodded her head.

"Let's get to class". Akeno told them and they all went to class.

Later that day

Issei and everyone where inside the ORC, waiting for Rias's brother to show up. Zest also came to the ORC, she spoke nicely with everyone being a devil herself.

"Remember Issei, this is the Red Satan, don't underestimate him at all". Ddraig told Issei who smirked.

"I won't, but he better not underestimate my abilities". Issei said smirking, there was a red glow and Sirzechs walked out with Grayfia and his family.

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