Chapter 37

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"EVERYONE THE RED DRAGON EMPEOR IS IN THE PITCH". A female announcer yelled as a huge crowed of kids and parents sat in front of a huge stage. "NOW SEND THE RED DRAGON YOUR STRENGTH. ALL TOGETHER". The announcer yelled.

"RED DRAGONNNNNNNNN". All the kids yelled.

"AHHHHHHHHH". Issei yelled as he shot from under the stage in his balance breaker. "I HAVE GROWN STRONGER BY THE WORDS OFF ALL THE YOUNG ONES". Issei yelled to the crowd.

"HAHAHAHAHA, THE RESULT WILL BE THE SAME NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES WE FIGHT". Kiba yelled as he was dressed up in black armor and Rias was in a princess outfit tied up. "YOU CAN NEVER DEFEAT ME, DARKNESS KNIGHT FANG"! Kiba yelled holding a fake sword.

"S-Save me. My beloved, red dragon". Rias said in a fake soft scared voice. One day the Gremory family with the school festival on the horizon, where asked to partake in a hero show in the underworld.

"Ahhhh". Issei used the dragon slayer to "fight" Kiba as the kids considered

"You rascal". Kiba said as Issei pushed him back and he flew in the air laughing by strings on his costume. Kiba raised his blade and fake hit the floor and purple beam come from the ground acting like a attack as smoke formed Issei. "Hahahah do you admit defeat"? Rossweisse Asia Xenovia Koneko and Akeno and gasper all watched from the back room.

"What a great performance. The use of special effects from the human world are really nice and impressive". Akeno said to the group who all agreed.

"It's over Red dragon". Kiba said in a victorious tone.

"Oh no, if only the princess was by my side at a time like this....". Issei said out loud in a defeated voice.

"My beloved". Rias appeared next to Issei. "I am here to lend you strength". Rias told the red dragon as she kissed his helmet.

"SUPER KISSSSSSSS". The kids yelled as Issei's eyes glowed.

"I am not overflowing with powerrrrrr". Issei yelled as he was coated in a fake red aura.

"Enough nonsense Red dragon". Kiba yelled as he flew down and issei shot up at him.

"Dragon kick". The 2 clashed casing a fake huge explosion as Kiba was sent back and fell to the ground.

"The red dragon did it by gaining the power from the princess". The announcer yelled before she fell as Rias was next to Issei waving.

Scene change.

"All those kids loved you Issei". Kiba told his best friend wiping his hair same as Issei.

"Please you had all the woman looking at you. We made a great team". Issei told Kiba who checked.

"I-Issei". Issei saw Irina open the door a little and look in.

"Irina? What's up"? Issei asked her and she looked embarrassed.

"D-don't ask questions just come with me". Irina told Issei who nodded his head and went to another room.

"Why are you all dressed up"? Issei asked Irina as she was in a pink outfit as he was trying to zip the back.

"The first announcer fell off the stage and they asked me to be the replacement". Irina told Issei who growled in frustration trying to get the zipper.

"Goddamnit, GO". Issei finally got it causing Irina to moan as her top broke open and she fell back on Issei with her hand behind his head. "Ow, damn that hurt". Issei groaned in pain. "Wait why are you not wearing a bra"? Issei asked seeing her naked chest.

"I thought I would fit the outfit better". Irina told Issei. "Hey, this situation it's like the school trip. Things like this always happen with you Issei". Irina said sitting up praying. "My wish to have children with the Red Dragon Emperor join the heavenly armor is proof of my continuing faith". Irina said out loud as she fell on Issei. "I am going to fall like this". She moaned out until the door shot open and Xenovia was standing there.

"In a place like this! No fair, Irina". The knight told the angel as the other girls appeared.

"Y-you can't do that with Issei! Not like this". Asia yelled at Irina.

"Jumping the gun is not fair Irina". Akeno told the angle.

"No way I am first". Irina said holding Issei.

"Issei belongs to everyone". Akeno said as they all lifted there tops and started to fight over Issei.

"Hold on can we talk about this for a second"? Issei yelled as Rias walked in the room.

"ALL OF YOU". All the girls looked back and saw there king.

"RIAS"! Issei yelled but was muffled by breast in his face.

THE SHOW". Rias yelled and they all ran out of the room. "Goodness".

Time skip

"Damn they really got me in there". Issei told himself walking threw the hall.

"noooo I wanna see the red dragon". Issei stoped when he heard a little kid crying.

"I am sorry the autographs and pictures tickets are all sold out". The worker told the kid as Issei opened the back door and saw a kid with a dragon hot holding a toy of him in his dragon armor.

"That is unfortunate, but the tickets are out we gotta go". The mother told the kid.

"Nooooo". He cried Issei smirked and walked out.

"WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BRAKER". The kid looked over and saw Issei in his armor.

"What's going on"? Issei asked the group as the kid had stars in his eyes as he ran over to Issei.

"WOOOO THE RED IN THE FLESH". Issei deactivated his helmet as he walked over.

"What's your name"? Issei asked kneeling down.

"Ash". The kid told Issei who summoned a marker and signed his hat.

"Boys can't cry, they gotta be strong and confident. You gotta make your mom look good, she is taking care of you". Issei told him ruffling his hair as the kid smiled and nodded.

"Thank you". The mother told Issei as she and her son walked away. Issei watched them walk away smiling.

Time skip

"Ahhh finally some alone time". Issei said as he saw down drinking water.

"As expected from you Issei". Issei saw Rias walk in still in her Princess outfit.

"You saw"? Issei asked her and she nodded her head.

"Yes I did, it was sweet of you to do that". Rias told him walking over to him.

"It reminded me of me and my human mom and what we would do together". Issei told her sighing as Rias cupped his face.

"A man as handsome as you should have a strong face". Rias told him giggling.

"Stealing my own tricks from me, sneaky ant you"? Issei asked as he kissed her. "I believe we have a meeting tomorrow with the your cousin and his peerage about the rating game". Issei told Rias who nodded her head.

"Yes that is true, today is just a rest day after all the acting and shows we did. I am gonna go speak to my mother about a couple of things. I will see you back at home". Rias told Issei before kissing him and walking out.

"I wonder how the fight is gonna go"? Ddraig asked his host who smirked.

"A all out war that's what's gonna happen".

Bammmm chapter 37 done like comment share and as I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTTTTTT

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