Chapter 10

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Issei was at home resting, it's been 2 days sense the 2 girls where sent from the church to collect the Excalibur pieces, but over the last 2 days Kiba has gone off trying to destroy them himself witch will end up getting him killed. There's a crazy ass priest running around the town killing people and strays.

"Man idk what's up with everyone but all I am gonna say is that the last 2 days have been eventful". Issei said out loud as he laid on the couch with his arms behind his head and his head resting on Tiamat's lap. "Hopefully kokabiel dose not have anything up his sleeve that can cause serious issues. Then again he wants to start a war again". Issei explained to the dragon queen who listened to her mate.

"Yes this is true, not only is that true but there's also the question as to why he would steal the blades from the church"? Zest asked cleaning the main floor. "I see why he would go after Rias and Sona but other then that I don't understand why". Zest told Issei who thought.

"Cause a fallen angle stealing something as rare as Excalibur Pisces the angles will most likely go to war with him". Issei told Zest who put the piece together. "He also would have something to use against the devils that can seriously hurt them, holy magic". Issei continued as Ddraig spoke up.

"Issei is right, holy magic is extremely dangerous to devils even the strongest one. Your best bet is to get the pieces back to the church then handle Kokabiel, that will give you the upper hand instead of him having it". Ddraig explained to Issei who understood what the red dragon was telling him.

"That would be a good idea, but what happens when he forges the pieces together? Then at that point that blade will have the strength to harm even the devil kings". Zest asked Issei and he nodded.

"Yea that weapon would be extremely powerful not just against devils but any race other then dragons, dragons can only truly be killed by dragon slayer magic". Issei told them and they nodded there head.

"Issei I am going to teach you how to use my powers to make your own dragon slayer magic". Ddraig explained to Issei who nodded his head in agreement.

"That would be nice to have up my sleeve should I ever need to kill a dragon". Issei told the red dragon of domination and he huffed in agreement.

"This is a serious situation Issei, let's make sure we handle it with caution please". Zest told her master who nodded his head.

"Yes I will be sure this is handled properly. Anyways sense Azazel asked me himself I gotta be sure I deliver and also with the white dragon emperor here that's gonna be amazing to have a brawl out with him". Issei said with a crazy smirk. "I am so gonna kick this dudes ass". Issei told himself as he got up and teleported to the ORC.

"How do you think he will handle this"? Tiamat asked Zest who just watched Issei teleport away.

"This will most likely be hard seeing how it was the fallen's who killed his parents. I know he will handle this right it's just gonna be harder then normal". Zest told the dragon who nodded her head as they went to cleaning together.

Issei teleported into the ORC to see everyone was in the room talking and looking over what Issei can only assume are summonings.

"Ok Akeno you have 12 Kiba 10 Koneko 7 Asia 5".  Rias told everyone then looked up and saw Issei standing there. "Issei, what brings you here"? Rias asked and Issei shrugged his shoulders.

"Just wanted to see what you guys where up too, but it seems you are looking over summonings"? Issei asked and Rias nodded her head.

"Yes we have had a rise in requests recently so I am keeping track to make sure we handle as many as possible". Rias explained to Issei who nodded his head.

"Yes I couldn't agree m-". Issei stopped when he smelled the air and sensed Xenovia's sent.

"What is it Issei"? Rias asked but before he could answer her door opened up and Xenovia came in wounded.

"Xenovia". Issei caught her right as she was about to fall to the floor. "What happened to you? Where is Irina"? Issei asked using some of his magic to heal her with Asia's help.

"We where ambushed by the rouge priest with the Excalibur fragments. He store Irina's and left mine". Xenovia said and Issei found Irina's sent and vanished and reappear in front of a tree and saw her in her outfit cut up and injured. Issei picked her up and vanished back into the club room healing her.

"Asia heal them both please, I have a bad feeling about this. If they are making this bold of moves that means only one thing".


"Kokabiel is in the town right now waiting to plan a assault on you".

Bammmmm new chapter like comment share and as I always say until next time thunder_god17 outtt

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