Chapter 2

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Issei was inside a dark place, it almost seemed like it was not even real. He was confused as to where he was. He only remembered the events last night and the man.

"Where am I? I must be dead". Issei thought to himself as he continued to look around.

"Your not dead Issei, your just in what I would call A dragon coma". Issei turned around and saw flames explode and Ddraig came from the fire.

"Your him, the one who asked me if I wanted power!" Issei said out loud and he nodded his head

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"Your him, the one who asked me if I wanted power!" Issei said out loud and he nodded his head. "Why did you do that for me"? Issei asked and Ddraig chuckled.

"I am in your soul Issei, we are bound together. If you die I move onto another person. I am a sacred gear a gift god made for humans. I see you as someone with the potential to be the strongest red dragon emperor ever". Ddraig explained and Issei nodded.

"Tell me about the supernatural"? Issei asked and Ddraig told him about the Great War the 666 beast the creation of sacred gears, the heavenly dragons. "Man that's a lot to take in all at once". Issei told the dragon trying to process all the information.

"I can understand that, but your powers are pretty nice, you have the welsh dragon gauntlet, it lets you boost your power every 10 seconds you can activate a form knows as the balance breaker and much more". Ddraig told Issei who nodded his head. "But you must train with me and take the help from the man who saved you". Ddraig told Issei who looked curious.

"Why should I trust a man I never really met"? Issei asked and Ddraig just looked at him.

"Cause that man is Sirzechs Lucifer's one of the 4 great Satan and one of the strongest people in the world". Ddraig told Issei. "He also brought you back to the underworld to heal you, so I will let you wake back up we can still talk when your awake". Ddraig told Issei who nodded his head as his eyes slowly opened.

"Where am I"? Issei asked as he sat up and saw 2 maids cleaning but looked over and saw Issei awake.

"He's up, find Lord Lucifer and Lady Grayfia". One of the maids said and the other left to find them.

"Where am I, I have never seen this place? Who are you people"? Issei asked more defensive clearly uncomfortable being somewhere he has never been.

"You sweetie are in the underworld, the man with red hair and the white suit brought you here to heal you". The maid said and Issei still didn't believe her.

"Issei she is telling the truth". Ddraig told Issei in his mind as he calmed down slightly.


"Come in". The maid saw Sirzechs and his wife.

"You, your the one who saw me in the forest". Issei said pointing at Sirzechs who nodded his head.

"Indeed I am Issei, please don't be scared we won't hurt you". Sirzechs told the boy. "We only want to give you another chance to live a better life". Sirzechs told Issei who looked over and saw a teddy bear.

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