Chapter 25

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"Geez, that fight was a pain in the ass. Loki was hellbent on my power. Dumb son of a bitch didn't see my plasma cannon so that's on his stupid ass". Issei told himself as he and the group where standing outside the Gremory house. It's been a day sense the fight with Loki.

"Do you have to leave Auntie Rias"? This question came from Sirzechs son.

"You know I would stay millicas, but I have to get back and get ready for the youth rating games". Rias told the young man.

"Lady Rias is busy, let's respect that". Grayfia told her son who nodded his head.

"We will stop by again, until then take care of yourself". Rias said as she and the group vanished in a magical circle.

Time skip

"UHHHHHH FUCK THIS HOMEWORK BULLSHIT". Issei yelled as he threw his book at the wall and summoned his boosted gear and charged his plasma cannon.

"boasted gear: Plazma cannon charged". Ddraig called out and Issei shot it twice destroying it.

"Issei". Issei heard a knock at his door and it opened and Akeno walked in. "I heard you yell is everything ok"? Akeno asked seeing the destroyed book and Issei's boosted gear.

"I just had to......remove some homework from my life". Issei said chuckling as his booster gear vanished.

"Say Issei, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow. Just me and you we can go around town". Akeno asked the red dragon who turned around in his chair and cocky a eyebrow.

"Yea sure, I don't see the issue". Issei told her and she clapped her hands and smiled.

"Perfect, also if you ever need help with your school work you can always ask me". Akeno said as she smiled and walked out.

"A little overboard on destroying the HW"? Ddraig asked Issei who huffed.

"You get to do it all then".


"Exactly what I thought". Issei said as he sighed and walked to his bed and jumped in and groaned. "Man I still have not completed recovered from dying. Eh oh well shit happens. Besides this Diodora dude keeps annoying Asia. All the letters and bullshit he keeps sending". Issei never liked the guy when he first met him before the fight with Kuroka.

"You best watch out, he seems like the kind of person to do some stupid shit to get her". Ddraig told his host who rolled over and put his hands behind his head.

"Yes unless he's got a death wish he would keep away from her. I also got the 3 legged race to do with her as well. That's gonna be fun for both of us". Issei said as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"That poor bastard most likely will do something and I got a feeling Issei is gonna rip him apart. Ever sense are training in the underworld. He is more ruthless, fighting and living like a true dragon". Ddraig told himself smirking. He remembered when issei was little and couldn't beat a kid class devil now he is fighting gods and Satan's.

Next day

"Man I hope Akeno is ok". Issei was wearing a purple t shirt black joggers and slides with black socks. "She said to meet here at 3, it's 3:10". Issei told himself looking at his watch.

"Remember she is a woman so it takes much longer for her to get ready compared to us males". Ddraig reminded his host who made a "yes your right" face.

"Issei I am sorry I took so long". Issei looked back and saw Akneo in a cute red outfit.

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