chapter 15

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previously on The red dragon of domination

A huge barrier was formed over the school as the members of the ORC where all getting ready to go to the meeting room.

"Alright everyone it's game time. Gasper be good for Koneko. If anything happens contact me".
Rias told them and they both said ok. "As for everyone else this is the format for the meeting".
Rias pulled up a screen that showed what they will talk about and other stuff.

"Alright let's rock and roll". Issei said as they all teleported into the summit room. Inside you can see Sirzechs, Serafall, Michel, Azazel, Vali also was there. Sona and her peerage where also there.

"Ok is everyone accounted for"? Sirzechs asked and the leaders nodded there heads.

"Let's begin then". A fleet of angles devils and fallen angle soldiers surrounded the school protecting it.

"I Rias Gremory can conclude that the battle with kokabiel was addressed by the Red Dragon Emperor who killed him". Rias told everyone as she stepped back from the table.

"I would like to hear the thoughts on this matter from the leader of fallen angles". Michel spoke up as everyone looked over to Azazel.

"If your asking me if I was apart of this you would be wrong. He went rogue after the end of the war. He wanted the war to continue, this was something that he did had nothing to do with me or the other fallen angels. I sent in the white dragon emperor to deal with him". Azazel explained to everyone as he then looked to Issei. "But he was already dead and taken care of by Issei". Azazel said as everyone looked to him who said nothing.

"Are war generals are dead. Along with god and the devil kings". The angle leader informed as Xenovia caught Irina's reaction.

"She must have been told the new already". Xenovia told herself in her mind.

"We have a complication, again its not even are 3 powers but a force equal if not more destructive. There are the red and white dragon emperors. So I would like to hear there thought's". Azazel spoke up and Vali was the first to speak up.

"All I want, honestly is to fight someone as strong as me". Vali said to the group and Azazel looked back at him.

"Yes but you can fight strong people without a war". Azazel told the teenager who sighed.

"I guess your right on that aspect". Vali said to the fallen angle leader.

"Issei, what are your thoughts on the situation". Azazel asked him a little more serious witch did not go unnoticed. "Your choice has a heavier toll, you are the one dragon emperor ever to awaken the dragons rage. Witch when you use it puts you in your own class of power". Azazel explained as Issei remember the fight and when he went awal.

"I want peace, not just for my own sake but for the sake of my friends. This will help make sure we can stay together even if we are of different races". Issei told everyone as the adults liked the answer and Vali just watched him with interest.

"All right then lets get this along and make peace. That is the reason why we are here right". Azazel asked as everyone in the room froze as the area turned purple.

"What the hell". Issei was confused as he saw his gauntlet activated.

"It would appear Rias's bishop has awakened a incomplete balance breaker". Grayfia said as they looked outside and saw rouge devil come out of everywhere.

"Great more crap to deal with, Vali why don't you go and say hello to are new guest". Azazel said and Vali teleported outside and flew into the sky.

"Lets do it". Vali yelled making a couple of forearm motions.

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