Chapter 13

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"Man this sucks, the fact they wanna have such a important meeting right now is just weird". Issei told himself as he was in the ORC.

"Yes but it's something that needs to happen for the greater good of the supernatural world". Zest spoke up to Issei who sighed.

"It will also work in are favor with the alliance. Like supplies and reinforcement". Rias spoke up to the young man who overall just let it go.

"Issei, I have word that the leader of the angles wishes to see you in the holy temple". Issei was shocked to hear this come from Akeno.

"Uhhhhh, ok". Issei said scratching his head. "Lead the way, we will be back later guys just be ready for tomorrow". Issei told them and they nodded there heads as Issei used his magical circle to teleport them.

Holy temple

Issei and Akeno appeared outside of what look like a temple as he and Akeno walked up Issei saw a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes in golden armor.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Sir Michel, I have brought the red dragon emperor". Akeno spoke up in her fancy outfit as Issei stepped up and felt this guys power.

"This dudes got some serious power flowing off him". Issei told himself with the feeling of the room being bright and warm.

"This is the man who replaced god as the leader of angles, of course he is gonna be powerful". Ddraig spoke up in Issei mind.

"Red dragon emperor, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I am Michel leader of the angle faction". The angle bowed and Issei bowed as well.

"I'm Issei nice to meet you Sir Michel. I was told you wanted to see me for something"? Issei asked and the man smiled.

"Yes, I have brought you a peace offering". Michael said as he used his magic and a sword with 4 dragon claws and glow appeared.

"Holy crap, what is that weapon"? Issei asked feeling the power of dragon souls inside

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"Holy crap, what is that weapon"? Issei asked feeling the power of dragon souls inside.

"This is the dragon slayer know as Ascalon. It has been in the hands of the angles for many years and has killed many people dragons". Michel told the young man who nodded.

"Why are you showing me this"? Issei asked the angle leader.

"As I said before this is as a peace offering for the angle faction to be on good terms with the red dragon emperor. This is a weapon best in your hands". Michael said and Issei was shocked.

"Issei, if you want you can merge the dragon slayer with the boosted gear. All you have to do is take hold of it in imagine the blade being in sync with the Boosted dear gauntlet". Ddraig said out loud as Issei grabbed the blade with his dragon arm and closed his eyes and felt the 2 becoming one as a bright light lit up the hole room.

"Holy crap". When the dust settled Issei saw that the dragon slayer was now inside the booster gear.

(This will be what the gauntlet looks like when he uses it)

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(This will be what the gauntlet looks like when he uses it)

"My work here is done I must return to heaven now to prepare for the summit meeting. Until then Red dragon emperor". Michel said as he vanished in a golden glow.

"Wow that was pretty interesting". Issei said out loud as Akeno smiled and walked over to him.

"Are you nervous about the summit"? Akeno asked and Issei shook his head.

"No I am not, and neither should you or the others I am here to protect you all. It's part of being friends". Issei said smiling at Akeno causing her to blush.

"You really are a interesting young man Issei". Akeno told the dragon emperor who put his thumb up.

"I am proud to be a interesting man". Issei said as he and Akeno walked out of the temple and started to head back to the ORC

Night time

"Hey everyone we are back". Issei yelled as he walked into the back yard of the ORC and saw the hole gang but he also saw a new person it was a little girl who looked like Koneko in a way.

"Issei, Akeno welcome back. Did you speak with Michel"? Rias asked and Issei nodded his head. "Also Issei this is gasper, she is my rook that you have not met yet". Rias told him as he saw the kid was inside a box hiding. "He is a little shy to new people. He was locked up because his powers where to strong for me to contain". Rias told Issei who looked back and saw Koneko talking to him.

"He seems like a relaxed kid, just needs some training to control his powers. Witch are what exactly"? Issei asked not knowing the kids powers.

"Gasper's Sacred Gear and main weapon, which lets him stop anything and anyone within his field of vision in time. It's called Forbidden Balor View". Rias informed the dragon who was shocked to hear his ability's. "He can also see threw other people's eyes if he controls the flow of magic".

"Sounds like the kid packs a punch". Issei said to Rias who smiled softly.

"Ok everyone let's all head inside and get some sleep". Rias told everyone as they went to the ORC room. Unknown to them on a building not far had a handsome young man with silver hair and eyes in a all back outfit. Along side a handsome man in his late twenties with dirty blond hair and purple eyes.

"Do I have to go to the summit". The young man asked the older man who chuckled.

"Of course Vali, your the white dragon emperor". The older man told Vali as he looked down seeing all the buildings.

"Hey Azazel, do you think there will be another war"? Vali asked the fallen angle.

"A common question from a dragon". Azazel told Vali who chuckled himself. You seem like the type to die young".

"I am fine with that. This world means nothing, it just sucks I was born in this time. With no god, a man I wanted to beat". Vali explained to the fallen angle leader.

Time skip

A huge barrier was formed over the school as the members of the ORC where all getting ready to go to the meeting room.

"Alright everyone it's game time. Gasper be good for Koneko. If anything happens contact me".
Rias told them and they both said ok. "As for everyone else this is the format for the meeting".
Rias pulled up a screen that showed what they will talk about and other stuff.

"Alright let's rock and roll". Issei said as they all teleported into the summit room. Inside you can see Sirzechs, Serafall, Michel, Azazel, Vali also was there. Sona and her peerage where also there.

"Ok is everyone accounted for"? Sirzechs asked and the leaders nodded there heads.

"Let's begin then". A fleet of angles devils and fallen angle soldiers surrounded the school protecting it.

Bammmmm chapter 13 done hope you enjoyed it. Comment below how you think this will all play out. As I always say until next time THUNDER_GOD18 OUTTTT

Sorry for the grammar errors 🤐👎🏻

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