[EP24] Finale

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Tay and New were at a lost now that they were no longer on a run. They didn't want to be away from their sons but didn't know what kind of arrangement to make to be with them. Mile and Apo offered the mansion so that Tay, New, Joong, Dunk, Pond and Phuwin may stay together. Kluen, Dao, Palm and Neungdiao were more than welcome to move in with them since it was big enough to house all of them. Tay and New loved the idea a lot but felt that they were a bother to them. Mile and Apo waved it off. They hardly use the mansion since they spent most of their time in Italy, so this was an ideal situation for them. Mile and Apo had asked if Earth and Mix would like to join them as the mansion was really big enough to house everyone. 

Tay and New's eyes were wide when they took in the view of the mansion. Phuwin and Dunk guided them to one of the bedrooms. Pond and Joong moved their stuff to the room that they had used before moving out when Mile and Apo moved back to Italy. They had closed an eye when their sons wanted to room with their respective faen. Pond took it the hardest. Joong couldn't say much since Kluen was Dao's fiancée.  


Dao was amused when he found out that Kluen was a fan of his Pa when they unpacked their things. Kluen had blushed. There hadn't been a right time to talk about this. The moment he met Dunk, his condition had been dire and he was in his doctor mode. Now that everything died down. He didn't know what to make of it. His celebrity crush was about to be his father-in-law.

"Why don't you get Pa to sign these?" Dao held up his Pa's work. Kluen shook his head, claiming that it would be embarrassing. But Dao didn't see what was embarrassing about it. He had headed to living room before Kluen could stop him. 

"Pa, sign these" Dunk was confused. Joong looked at what they were over his shoulder. 

"ohoo~~ they still have these?" Dunk was looking at the stash that Dao gave him. Joong looked proudly at his husband's work through the years. 

"Kluen is actually a fan of yours." Dunk smiled and thank him as he signed all of them. Kluen's face was red as a tomato but the fanboy in him was cheering inside. Joong had a hand to Dunk's waist possessively. Dunk just shook his head at Joong's jealousy. Dunk reminded Joong that Kluen is his son-in-law when Dao and Kluen left. Joong reminded Dunk who is his husband that night.  


Palm was elated that Neungdiao had invited him to stay with him but yet he was concerned. They had never addressed what happened in the ordeal where they got captured. He could still remember the look of betrayal when he brought the enemy to the lab.

"Neung..." He called out to Neungdiao but wasn't sure how to address the issue. 

"I forgave you, Palm. I forgave you. I would have done the same in your position. I'm sorry that I was mad at you." Palm was relieved to hear the words of forgiveness but he didn't like the thought of Neungdiao blaming himself for being angry at him.

"You have every right to be angry. I brought danger to your family." Palm said as he stroked Neungdiao's shoulder. 

"I love you, Palm. Even when I'm moody and I don't say it a lot, I love you. I want to spend every waking moment with you, every night in your arms" Palm beamed at those words and pulled him into his tight embrace.   

"I love you too, and I don't want to spend a moment without you." Palm said with all the love he has for Neungdiao. Neungdiao couldn't help the smile that graced his face.

"Spend the rest of your life with me?" Neungdiao said before unlocking himself from Palm's embrace and giving him a kiss to the forehead. Palm couldn't help the dreamy smile on his face before grabbing Neungdiao's hand.

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