[EP17] The last moment before I go under

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Dunk and Phuwin got to know Tay and New better as Mix poke and prodded Dunk to know to what extent his health had deteriorated and how he should approach Dunk's health issue. They had checked Phuwin under Dunk's insistence but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Dunk had breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that his twin was fine.

Phuwin had brought Pond and Neungdiao to meet Tay and New, even Palm got to visit them. They were happy that Phuwin had built a beautiful family. Dunk didn't dare to contact Joong nor Dao. He wasn't sure if Mix could really cure him. Neungdiao had come up with a plan. He had video called his cousin, Dao. He had claimed that Palm's grandparents were curious as to who his cousin was so he decided to video call him. Tay and New were glad to meet him and insisted that he call them Dtaa (grandpa). Dao obliged with no thought to it. He had introduced Kluen as his faen who had waved and exchanged a few quick words before leaving for his shift. Dunk had squeezed Phuwin's hand as he heard his son speak. He was relieved that he was doing well.

"Dao, who are you talking to?" Dunk's heart thumped when he heard Joong's voice. He wanted to rush to the phone and speak to him but he held it in. Phuwin was hugging him as Tay and New spoke to Joong as well.  The floodgates opened when they ended the call. 

Tay and New were confused

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Tay and New were confused. Neungdiao had then told his grandparents what his uncle Dunk had done before leaving his uncle Joong and his cousin, Dao. Their heart ached for their son.

"Mei mi lai, luuk (It's okay, son). Once khun moor heal you, you can go back to them." New said as he stroked his back. Dunk wanted to believe his Pa so much but he had never been lucky in his life. All his luck laid with Joong and Dao. Tay, New and Phuwin hugged Dunk to convey their love and support for him. 


Mix was ready. Dunk would need to be in the suspension chamber as they work through the healing process. He had extracted what he needed from Tay and New. The solution was ready. He will enter a state akin to hibernation for a few months at least, as he heals in the process.  

Dunk spent his last evening with his parents, Phuwin, Pond, Neungdiao, Dew, Mile and Apo. They had talked and laughed. They wanted to make it a light evening for Dunk. It was going to be a long process for him. Dunk had spent his last hour with his parents and Phuwin. He talked about his hopes and dreams and his wishes for Joong and Dao. Phuwin had hugged him, reminding him that they are there for them. He would record every memorable event of Joong and Dao and show it to him, even though he would be hibernating to say the least. Dunk nodded with a smile.

He had hugged Mile and Apo, thanking them for all that they have given him. He moved on to give Dew a tight hug, telling him how much he appreciated him and he could never had survived without him. He hugged Phuwin, reminding him that he loves him and to take good care of himself. He hugged Pond, reminding him to take good care of his brother and that he loves him like a brother too. He didn't forget his nephew, Neungdiao, reminding him that he loves him and to take good care of himself and his parents. Lastly, he hugged both Tay and New.  He had felt the love they had for Phuwin and him. Despite the short amount of time together, he had learned to love his parents. After all, blood runs thicker than water. He whispered how much he loves them. They voiced back the same sentiment. 

As Mix puts him under anesthesia, all the memories of his time with Joong came rushing to him. One memory stood out the most. It was their trip to Hong Kong. They had invited Pond and Phuwin along so that Dao and Neungdiao could visit Disneyland together. Joong had the grandest idea of shooting an MV of the song Last Twilight that he had loved so much back then. Dunk had always agreed to his husband's idea as long as it was within reason. Phuwin had played along as the cameraman while Pond took care of Dao and Neungdiao. Dao and Neungdiao had even join in the fun once they were off camera. It was quite a sight to see four grown men twirling in a big circle with two kids. Dao and Neungdiao's innocent laughter echoed in his mind. He smiled at that memory. 

He remembered Phuwin shaking his head when they passed Dao to him as Joong wanted a shot at the harbor during midnight. 

"You have crazy parents, you know, Dao?" Phuwin whispered to a sleeping Dao before placing him beside Neungdiao in bed. Phuwin and Dunk smiled as Dao automatically snuggle up to Neungdiao in his sleep. They were dead tired after all the fun at Disneyland. Dunk felt more at ease as he left with Joong to execute the crazy ideas he had in his head. 

The fans were raving about it the moment Joong put the video up since they had not been in the limelight in a while. Dunk was solely doing voice acting at that point and Joong was busy as the CEO of JAA. 

It was ironic that their current predicament reflected that MV. They had made so many plans and promises-to travel each year, building happy memories together, to see their son, Dao get married, to grow old together but none of them realized. Most of all, he broke his promise to never leave Joong. 

Images of their time in Disneyland and how happy Joong was flashed across his mind. Those were the last image that he had before he succumbed to unconsciousness. 

Gu rak meung (I love you)...Joong

New wiped off the tears that slid down from Dunk's face. He sighed as his heart ached for his son. Mix injected Dunk with another healing concoction. Tay had carried him to the suspension chamber. Tay and New laid a kiss on his forehead, reminding him that they'll be waiting for him. Mix put an oxygen mask on him before closing the door. The solution started to flood the chamber. Dunk floats and suspends within the solution. Phuwin looked at Dunk sadly, hoping for the best for his twin. Both Tay and New clasped his shoulder, promising that it will be okay. Phuwin reached for Pond as he hugged and stroked his back. Neungdiao had joined them in their hug. 

They prayed for the best.    

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: the twilight MV 🥲🥲I hope it doesn't cause secondary trauma in watching that MV again now that it has a different meaning. This is the last of the angst in this series. That's it... we past through the storm 🫂🫂... I think? 

it was so difficult to explain the chamber that Dunk is in. I didn't even know what words to use to explain. It looks something like this:

Like there's a double glass and inner one has a door for Mix to close it then it will slide away and the outer one prevent leakage

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Like there's a double glass and inner one has a door for Mix to close it then it will slide away and the outer one prevent leakage. something like that... 🤣🤣Don't know how to explain with words. 

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