[EP7] Where Kluen meets Dao's parents

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Kluen cursed the fact that he had to work a 24 hours shift on the day that his faen's parents were renewing their vows. He had blotched their first meet. He knew that it didn't give a good impression to miss such a significant event. Dao had assured him that his Pa doesn't mind. He agreed that he should put work first since he is still in training. He was sure that his Paaw will eventually see things their way after his Pa had spoken to him. But it didn't stop the frustration within him. He had just rotated to a new ward so he didn't know the people well enough to swap duties with so he was stuck. He could only sigh at the outcome. 

He had been swamped with cases since he started his shift, so he had not really paid attention to the file in his hand until he entered the room. He was shocked to see Dao and his family. Dao had rushed into his embrace to which he automatically stroke his back. He was confused when he saw Dunk on the hospital bed. Dao had let go of him, just as Kluen's supervisor entered. 

"There is no way of putting this nicely. Khun Dunk had been through a lot of physical trauma when he was young and it's starting to take a toll on his body." His supervisor had said. Dao's Paaw had ushered his supervisor out to discuss on the matter further, while Dao tag along. Kluen was at a lost as to whether to follow. 

"So, you are the Kluen that Dao had been talking about." Kluen wai-ed to Dunk with a soft "sawadi khup, khun pa"

"You really do look like Joong up close in person. Perhaps Joong had your boyish look when he was younger. I wished we had met under better circumstances. Tell me, do you love my Dao?" Kluen was taken aback by how straightforward Dunk was. Kluen nodded.

"With all my heart. I wish to marry him one day." Kluen said with conviction. Dunk had smiled at that. He took off the ring on his right ring finger and puts it in his palm. 

"This was my wedding ring

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"This was my wedding ring. I'm passing it on to you when you get to pop the question." Kluen was startled at the amount of trust Dunk had in him. He wanted to reject but Dunk closed his fingers, ensuring that he keeps it. 

"It's fine. His Paaw just gave me a new one when we renewed our vow. I had told him I had plans for Dao to keep that ring, he's fine with it." He shows Kluen the new ring that Joong gave him moments before he landed in the hospital.

" He shows Kluen the new ring that Joong gave him moments before he landed in the hospital

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A much simpler ring as per his request but Dunk loves it. He loves anything that Joong gives him. 

Pond, Phuwin, Neungdiao and Dew had rushed into the room. Dunk had asked Pond and Neungdiao to seek for Joong and Dao to find out what's going on and to ensure that they were okay. Just as the door closed, Phuwin took a seat at the side of Dunk's bed with Dew at the other side. 

"What did the doctor say?" Phuwin looked at Dunk with concern as he took both of his hands in his. Dunk had fainted right after the ceremony. They had quite a few guests so Joong and Dao had rushed Dunk to the hospital while the rest of them took care of the guests before coming over. Dew's wife had taken the kids back home. 

"I didn't hear much, he mentioned the trauma I received when I was young is taking its toll on my body. That's all I heard before Joong herd the doctor out." Dunk tried to calm his twin down by giving his hand a squeeze. Phuwin rushed forward to hug Dunk.

"It's our time at the lab, wasn't it? You took the brunt and protected me" He whispered as the tears started to fall. Dunk stroked his back. 

"mai dai khit bpaeb nan (don't think like that). Who knows what caused what. I would rather it be me than you. Pond and Neung needs you." Dunk comforted his twin as he stroke his back.

"What about Joong and Dao?" Phuwin asked amid his tears.

"Dao has Kluen." That's when Phuwin looked back and noticed Kluen at the corner of the room. He knew what the ring meant now. His future father-in-law wanted Dao to have an anchor when he's gone. Was his condition that bad? He would need to check with his supervisor after this. 

"Joong... Joong is strong. He has you all to support him through it." Phuwin cried harder as Dew clasped Dunk's shoulder. 

"I could ask loong, maybe there's more we can find out about the lab and-" Dew, who was always thinking about ways to help Dunk since young, was flying through different possibilities.  

"Let them rest and enjoy their lives, Dew. I don't want any of us to disturb them. Let me enjoy the time I have left." both Phuwin and Dew looked solemn at Dunk's decision. Kluen couldn't really understand what the conversation was about. The door opened with Joong, Pond, Dao and Neungdiao in toll. Dao had rushed forward to hug his Pa. 

"What did the doctor say?" Dunk asked. Pond looked towards Joong to see to what extent he wanted to disclose. Joong just shook his head.

"You were just too tired from the ceremony, that's all. We'll be free to go home tomorrow once he is sure your condition is stable after tonight." Dunk nodded but Phuwin could read his husband's expression well. Pond could never lie to him. He had cringed when Joong spoke, so it only meant much worse. He would ask him when he's home. 

"Dao, let your Pa rest." Joong said as he took his place to Dunk's side as Dao stood up. Neungdiao took Dao's hand and gestured to Kluen to meet outside the room. Kluen had hugged Dao once they got out of the room. Dao had sobbed in him arms. 

"Mai huang na(don't worry), I'll find a way and see what I can do." Kluen comforted Dao as he stroke his back. Neungdiao had asked what transpired when they were out. Kluen told him every word that was said in the room though he didn't really understand most of it. Neungdiao clenched his fist when he heard about Dunk asking his Pa and his uncle, Dew not to contact loong.

His uncle, Dunk had loved him like his own son, so he was not willing to sit back. If grandpa Apo could do something about his uncle's condition, he was willing to risk upsetting his uncle.  

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 😅😅😅 definitely how we would want the first meet to be like... but yes, the drama has started... 

It goes without saying that JDPP are very close, what more that Dunk and Phuwin are twins so to Dao and Neungdiao practically have 4 dads... 

Posting earlier today since it's a holiday where I'm at. 2 EP as usual... yes, there is a little angst in this series.. just a lil...🤏🤏

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