[EP19] Enemy sighted

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Joong didn't want to leave Dunk. He had looked at Dunk as he floated in the solution. It had been hours since he sat there. Dao had informed him that he'll pack a bag for them. Joong thanked him with a smile on his lips. Dao too didn't want to spend a moment away from his Pa after so long but they needed essentials for them to stay. Earth and Mix did think it was too dangerous for any of them to leave the lab but yet it made sense for them to grab some stuff. They didn't have enough to house their needs. Palm made some calls so that the lab was guarded while he accompanied Dao and Kluen back to Joong's apartment. Neungdiao insisted on following them, which Palm had no say in. Nothing can change Neungdiao's mind once he made a decision. Palm had learnt to follow Neungdiao's flow. Earth looked on as they left the lab. 

"I have a bad feeling about this." Earth voiced his concern to Mix. 

"I guess we really don't have a choice. I'll make the call. We best be prepared for the worst." Mix told Earth, who agreed with his plan. 


Neungdiao packed clothes and toiletries for his uncle Joong, while Dao packed his to quicken the process. Just as they were about to head out the door, Palm saw a few men heading towards them. He had fought them with kicks and punches since it was too close a range to use a gun. As one of them rushed forward, he kicked him with all his might making him landed on his fellow comrades behind him. Palm ushered all of them back to the apartment. He tried to lock the door but one of them had kicked it open before he could. Palm urged them to go to one of the bedroom and lock the door behind them. But it was difficult for them to move with the group of people rushing in. He started to gun down some of their attackers. He kicked one of the men who was holding a gun at him at close range. The gun slid towards Neungdiao. Neungdiao open shots at their attackers along with Palm. 

"Close your eyes, Dao. Don't look. Hold on tight." Dao held on to Kluen with his eyes close. Kluen wrung the neck of the attacker closest to him before punching a few of them. Neungdiao threw a gun towards Kluen who caught it easily. He pushed Dao towards the back of the sofa as he helped Palm and Neungdiao gun down a few of their attackers. Dao could only squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that the nightmare to be over.

Palm's blood froze when one of them had a gun to Neungdiao's head. He had somehow overpowered Neungdiao. Palm let go of his grip on the gun to let them know that he surrenders, hoping that they don't harm Neungdiao. Kluen had no choice but to surrender as well. 

"Not so tough now, are you?" Luke said towards Palm as his men took their gun away. 

"Where's the lab?" None of them said a word. There was too much to lose. When Luke, who had been aiming his gun at Neungdiao, pulled the hammer of the gun back. Palm panicked. 

"I'll bring you there! I'll bring you there" Neungdiao stared at Palm with a look of betrayal but he really couldn't let them kill him.    

"No funny business, you will be following me" He gestured towards Neungdiao. Palm's heart sank. 

There has to be a way to get them out of the mess. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 2 EPs up today...All I can say for today's EPs are 🙈🙈

I guess it goes without saying that Neungdiao knows how to handle a gun  because of Palm. Kluen had learnt to shoot and fight because his parents, who are filthy rich, are afraid of his safety so he learnt as well. And he is Palm's best friend. I just don't see any reason for Dao to learn it so that's why it is what it is. 

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