Chapter 16 next steps

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I open my eyes groggily and quickly jolt up from my new surroundings I start to breathe heavily.

My mind clears itself as I remember I'm in the church now and safe but I still can't get my breathing under control.

*Shit...can't catch my breath*

I feel a bit of movement in my blankets I then see Asia sit up.

"Are you alright what's wrong?!" Asia basically screams out.

"Can't... breathe..." I say between chokes of breath.

She gently grabs my head and presses it against her chest I can hear and feel the rhythm of her heart beat

"Your alright your safe there's no need for anymore fighting" she says in a soothing tone.

My breathing finally starts to slow down and I can finally breathe a little.

She releases my head and I lay down and close my eyes I try and keep my emotions and breathing under control I then hear the door open and close I'm guessing she left.

Asia's POV

I walk out into the hallway I knock on Raynare's door.

"Come in!"

"Good Evening Raynare I hope you are doing well"

"I am how about you Asia?"

"Im fine but I'm not too sure about Y/N..."

"What do you mean what happened?"

I believe he just had a panic attack and his emotions seemed unstable.

Raynare doesn't respond and looks deep in thought

"He's had a pretty eventful week so I don't doubt his emotions are going haywire, on top of that he was alone so he couldn't express it to anyone"


I open my eyes again and get out of bed I open the door and walk out the door and close it behind me

I pull a piece of paper out of my inventory and pull out a pen I write down that I'm heading out for a bit and leave it on one of the pew chairs.

I open the front door and walk out.

"ID Create"

I summon the Sword of the cosmos and quickly slice off a few zombie heads.

Sigh "I'm not longer getting any experience from these zombies. "

I then remembered I have a few notification to look at.

Sacred gear was unlockedx2

Emergency quest was completed
Reward 40,000x2 experience
You have leveled upx2


Y/N   Level 47 (0/47,000)

Health: 22,200 /22,200 (50 HP/Min)

CM: 22,200/22,200 (50 CM/Min)

Race Human

Class Battle Sorcerer

Sacred Gear Eyes of  Beyond , Sword of the cosmos

Vit: 222

End: 222

Str: 222

Agi: 167

Int: 222

Wis: 222

Luk: 10

Stat points (45)

[Battle Sorcerer- Lv.55/100 ]
An individual capable of harnessing and utilizing {Cursed Mana} to perform sorcery or Another form of Jujitsu

Stat Gain per level: 2/4
+6 Strength
+6 Vitality
+6 Endurance
+4 Agility
+6 Intelligence
+6 Wisdom

I continue to push through killing zombies after zombies.

Thump Thump Thump

Zombie Bruiser Level 20

Health: 900/900 (0 HP/Min)

Mana N/A

Race Undead

Class N/A

Vit: 90

End: 80

Str: 100

Agi: 50

Int: 0

Wis: 0

Luk: 0

I quickly sprint towards it I jump over its arm and slice its head off.

Zombie Bruiser killed 5000x2 experience

I then notice three more of them approaching.

I charge at them and slice one's arm off I dodge a arm and slice one's head off I quickly slice another's legs off and slice its head off.

I then swiftly slice one's other arm off then then legs and finally slicing its head off

You have gained 15,000x2 experience from killing 3 Zombie Bruisers.


I look over towards the boss


Zombie Knight Level 50

Health: 30,000/30,000 (ERROR HP/Min)

Mana N/A

Race Undead

Class Swordsmen

Vit: 300

End: 180

Str: 200

Agi: 250

Int: 0

Wis: 0

Luk: 0

It charges at me and I block the strike which makes a crater in the ground under me as I feel the force of its strength.

It swings at me again and I parry it slicing off its arm just as I am about to attack again it's arm regenerates and it stabs me in the stomach.


I dodge another swing.

I reach my hand down to my stomach "Heal"

I kick its legs out from under it and go for a horizontal slash put it parries it and I lean back just enough to stop my throat from being slashed.

I swing downwards and it swings upwards and both our swords clash making my sword rip out of my hands and same thing with its.

I charge at it and throw a round house kick to its temple making it falter I for another kick but it catches my kick.

I jump on my other leg and send a kick to its head but it ducks while snapping my leg and kicking me into a wall making me cough up blood from the damage.


Y/N   Level 47 (0/47,000)

Health: 2,200 /22,200 (50 HP/Min)

CM: 11,200/22,200 (50 CM/Min)

Race Human

Class Battle Sorcerer

Sacred Gear Eyes of  Beyond , Sword of the cosmos

Vit: 222

End: 222

Str: 222

Agi: 167

Int: 222

Wis: 222

Luk: 10

Stat points (45)

As I'm laying in the crater it looms over me I see it lift it's leg and hits me in the head but at the same time I say  "ID Escape!"

Everything goes black and I go unconscious.

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