Chapter 12 Under Siege

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I open my eyes and sit up to a bit of pain everywhere I look at my stomach and there isn't any hole I reminisce the fight yesterday and remembered that I healed myself.

*This pain is probably just from the strain on my body...*

I get out of bed and walk downstairs I look towards the kitchen counter to see a piece of paper on it.

I walk towards it and pick it up.

"Good Morning Y/N I hope you are doing better I have locked up the house and dressed some of the wounds you had thank you again for saving us and if you ever need to meet up I am at the church with my sisters thank you"

Kind regards Raynare

*Hmm so she treated the other wounds I had gotta thank her for that*

I open my menu and notice a new tab.


Huh? There's a expansion tab.

I tap on it and it brings up the whole houses blueprint and I can add new rooms and other things but it costs money

Basement 5,000$
Reinforced wood 5,000
Magical Barrier 10,000
Reinforced Portal Gate Room 5,000

I buy the basement and the reinforced portal gate room and add a room and put it in the basement room.

I walk to the stairs where the basement would be and walk down them once I reach the bottom there's a huge space with about 4 doors 2 on each side and their labeled.

L1 Armory
L2 Medical
R1 Dungeon Gate
R2 Surveillance Area

So those are the right and left rooms

I walk into the dungeon gate room as I step inside I see multiple portals the first one that I found level

1-50 the second one is 75-100 third one is 125-150 fourth one is 175-200

I enter the first gate and appear back in the castle.

[User has gained a world map]

I open the menu and notice the map section once I open it I see 32 sections of the castle that is unclaimed but the middle section is claimed and where the gate is.

I just remembered I leveled up a bit

"Job Status"

[Battle Sorcerer- Lv.50/100 ]
An individual capable of harnessing and utilizing {Cursed Mana} to perform sorcery or Another form of Jujitsu

Stat Gain per level: 2/4
+6 Strength
+6 Vitality
+6 Endurance
+4 Agility
+6 Intelligence
+6 Wisdom
You have gained a stat gain level


Y/N Level 40 (0/40,000)

Health: 18,000/18/000 (50 HP/Min)

CM: 18,000/18,000 (50 CM/Min)

Race Human

Class Battle Sorcerer

Vit: 180

End: 180

Str: 180

Agi: 139

Int: 180

Wis: 180

Luk: 10

Stat points (25)

So each 25 levels of my job gives me a stat point upgrade?

I look around the castle and walk forwards a little bit

[Would you like to claim this territory?]

Yes Claim all unoccupied territory in the castle


16/32 territory claimed

I look at the map and see all the territory in the three quadrants are claimed all that's left is the 2 outer quadrants of 8 spaces.

I pull out the knife out of my inventory.

*It has dulled a bit I'll have to get a new one soon*

I walk a little bit and realize most of the inner quadrant of the castle is safe I notice the last bit of the quadrants are outside the castle.

I walk to the stairs that leads me up to the walls of the castle

*Hmm parts of the stairs are missing*

I sprint and jump and grab onto the crevices of the stones in the wall I start to climb up it until I can reach the set of stairs.

As I reach the top I look over the side of the walls and notice thousands if not hundreds of thousands of zombies.

I start to charge mana bullet trying to thin out the hoard.

TimeSkip 4 hours

I've taken out about half of them so much that I've turned off the system notifications.

I need to try something this is just going to take for ever


Y/N Level 42 (20,000/42,000)

Health: 18,000/18/000 (50 HP/Min)

CM: 8,000/19,200 (50 CM/Min)

Race Human

Class Battle Sorcerer

Vit: 192

End: 192

Str: 192

Agi: 147

Int: 192

Wis: 192

Luk: 10

Stat points (35)

I should have enough mana to spare for it.

I jump off the wall


I shine in a light blue color and everything explodes around me.

Zombie killed zombie killed zombie killed———-

The notification mute themselves.

I look around my surroundings and see most of the zombies are dead but there are some stragglers

They try to grab me but I duck under their reach and shoot a few with mana bullets and stab a few in the head after a while they are all dead.

Claim all unoccupied area.

You have claimed 32/32 quadrants of area.

I walk back to the gate of the castle and it automatically opens for me.

I walk inside and continue to walk to the portal gate I press my hand against it and I get transported back to the basement of my house I walk up the stairs to the living room and I look at the time and notice it's night.

I walk up the stairs to the bedroom and go to bed for the night.

Gamer In Highschool DxD (Remade)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt