Chapter 8 leveling up

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I wake up and notice that the alarm didn't go off

I look at the time and realize it's 4 hours before the alarm goes off I get out of bed.

I open my bedroom door I walk downstairs I walk to my kitchen and grab a kitchen knife.

"ID Create!"

I appear in the middle of the road I look around my surroundings and notice zombies everywhere.

I take note on where each zombie is and I charge up multiple mana bullets.

I begin to fire the bullets

PWOOSH Thunk thump Squish

I see multiple zombies lose their heads half of their body's and limbs.

So my attacks are getting more powerful now to the point where zombies alone won't be enough Experience.

15 zombies kill 1500x2

[Level up x1]

Half of my mana is gone in 2 uses of mana bullet...

I pull out the knife out of my makeshift sheath I duck under a arm and stab a zombie in the head, I kick another zombies leg out from under it dropping it to the ground and I stomp on its head also killing it.

200x2 xp gained

Thump thump thump thump.

The bruiser is back... I can win this it isn't that strong just don't let it get close to me or I die.


I let out a overcharge ManaBullet attack dealing half of its health points it stomps the ground.

*I remember this attack dodge it!*

I dodge the attack and swiftly lunge with the knife for the bruisers throat successfully stabbing it through the neck killing it.

Bruiser killed 9,000x2  XP gained

[You have leveled up x4]

"Huh the XP from this time is different from last time"


Y/N Level 25 (0/2,500)

Health: 880/880 (10 HP/Min)

CM: 10/860 (10 CM/Min) (Cursed Mana)

Race Human

Class Battle Sorcerer

Vit: 88

End: 89

Str: 89

Agi: 51

Int: 86

Wis: 86

Luk: 10

(Stat points 110)

[Battle Sorcerer- Lv.30/100 ]
An individual capable of harnessing and utilizing {Cursed Mana} to perform sorcery or Another form of Jujitsu

Stat Gain per level:
+4 Strength
+4 Vitality
+4 Endurance
+2 Agility
+4 Intelligence
+4 Wisdom

Huff huff the adrenaline is finally worn off and now I'm feeling the mana exhaustion.

"ID Escape!"

I appear back into my living room I go back to my bed room and notice that I've got a few hours left till school.

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