Chapter 6 New Faces

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System speaking: [example]
Person speaking: "example"
Persons Thoughts *example*

I open my eyes and notice the alarm clock I remember that there is school

I remember getting a uniform from the principle yesterday I go over to the closet and open the doors I grab the uniform and put it on.


I have arrived at the front gate of Kuoh High I notice two people by the gate.

I walk up to them

"Good morning"

"Good morning" I reply back

"My name is Sona Shitori I am the Student Council President"

"Do you have your transcript? You should've gotten one while you were applying to the school."

"Yes I had gotten the transcript for my classes"

"Alright it should be fairly easy to find your classes but if you need anything don't hesitate to ask for help"

"Thank you!"

I shout as she walks away

Quest complete Hell(School)

Reward 900x2 800$

Level up x1

I ignore the screen and walk inside the school.

I hear a commotion and notice the same boy I saw on the bridge a few days ago one of them said something about how he got a girlfriend before them.

I ignore it and continue but before I do I noticed the same girl on the bridge.


Yuma Amano/Raynare Level 30

Health: 900/900 (10 HP/Min)

Mana: 10,000/10,000 (10 Mana/Min)

Race Fallen Angel

Class Mage

Emotion: Hesitant, Worried, Annoyed

Vit: 90

End: 100

Str: 80

Agi: 100

Int: 100

Wis: 100

Luk: 400

So she's gotten a bit stronger but I'm still worried about that emotion bit.

As I'm looking at her she notices my gaze I smile towards her and walk away.

+5 reputation with Raynare

I look at the message a bit confused

*Huh there's a reputation system?*

*Ill have to check that out later gotta focus on school for now and plans*

I finally arrive at the door to the classroom I open it and walk inside and see I'm the first person there.

"Ah welcome your a bit early but that's good my name is Toji Fushiguro I will be your home room teacher and yes as you can already tell I run the gymnasium during free time."


Toji Fushiguro/Zenin Level 120

Health: 60,000/60,000 (50 HP/Min)

CM: 0/30,000 (50 Mana/Min) [NO MANA]

Race Human

Class Berserker

Vit: 600

End: 350

Str: 600

Agi: 400

Int: 150

Wis: 300

Luk: 50

*He is Dangerous I need to be careful around him but I don't think he'll be hostile to me unless I give him a reason to*

"Kid don't lie to me now I have a good sense from my former occupation did you just use something mana wise?"


"Erm hypothetically if I did what would you do?"

"I would either remove your existence if you prove to be a threat or if you earn my trust I may train you when you require it"

"Alright I'm gonna trust you won't just murk me straight off the bat when I say this but yes  I did use something but it didn't use any mana. "

"Hmm alright just don't do anything stupid I can feel your aura it isn't as high as some of the others here but watch your self"

"I may or may not be suppressing a bit of my mana with my control over it. "

"Could you stop surpressing it for a moment so I can gauge your power against others?"

"Sure" I say hesitantly

I release the mana control I had been circling in my mana currents.

A huge C/N (Color Name) appears around me

Hmm decent kid but you'd be demolished against most people here.

"Yeah I've seen a few people found a few fallen angels as well"

"Fallen angels?"

*He says as I notice his face turn serious uh oh*


"Do you know their names?"

"One was named Kokabiel and another was Raynare"

"Alright I know one of those names", (muttering under his breath) Kokabiel is one of my targets but why is he here?

"I'd suggest you stay away from Kokabiel he's not someone to mess around with"

"I never planned on messing with him in the first place"

"Good now go take a seat"

I walk over to my seat and sit down

Toji sits down on his chair and starts going through paper work on his desk.

After a few minutes the bell rings

The class starts to walk in and fill up

[Warning Different Dimensions are starting to join this one]

*Uh what does that mean!?*

I notice a green haired boy walk in same thing with a blond and one with red and ...white hair?

Toji looks at me with a puzzled face I look back with a I don't know expression.

Everyone sit down! Toji shouts

Since this is the first day everyone will be introducing themselves I will go first.

"My name is Toji Fushiguro I run the gymnasium alright next. "

"Hello my name is Izuku Midoryia nice to meet you all"

"My name is Katsuki Bakugo stay out of my way or I'll kill you!"

"My name is Shoto Todoroki nice to meet you all"

[Insert all of MHA 1A]

"Hello everyone my name is Yuji Itadori hope we can all be friends!"

"My name is Megumi Fushiguro nice to meet you..."

"Hello my name is Nobara Kugisaki nice to meet you. "

I stand up Hello my name is Y/N it is nice to meet you all"

I sit back down and after a few minutes the bell rings.

Y/N! I'd like to talk with you after class.

*Uh oh...*

Authors note hello everyone I wanted to try something new the MHA Characters will not be staying unless you guys want them too or if you want me to add any other characters let me know can't be too over powered.

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