Chapter 79

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Empress Thalia's POV

As the news of the Orcs and Goblins seeking peace with the Tri-Queendom and their allies reached my ears, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions. For so long, I had been consumed by the desire for vengeance, fueled by my mother's tragic tale of betrayal and heartbreak. But now, as the prospect of peace loomed on the horizon, I found myself reconsidering my actions.

My mother, Empress Aphira, had harbored a deep-seated hatred for humans after being betrayed by one. She had loved a human, only to be cast aside in favor of a human princess. Her pain and anger had festered within her, shaping her view of the world and ultimately influencing my own beliefs.

However, as the truth unfolded before me, I began to see things in a new light. My mother's quest for vengeance had led her to leave our domain and confront the man who had betrayed her. In doing so, she had discovered that he and the princess had a daughter, a daughter who would one day unite all realms in peace and unity as the first human queen of the elves. That daughter was none other than Queen Aurelia.

The revelation struck me with the force of a thunderbolt. I, Thalia, was only a half-Ogre, the product of my mother's union with the very man she had despised. I was Aurelia's half-sister, and the weight of that truth bore down on me with newfound significance.

My heart ached with regret as I realized the depths of my folly. I had perpetuated a cycle of hatred and violence, all in the name of a misguided sense of honor and duty to my mother. But now, faced with the reality of my lineage and the potential for reconciliation, I longed for a chance to make amends.

Seeking peace between my domain and all other realms became my newfound purpose. I yearned to bond with my sister; Aurelia, to forge a connection that transcended the scars of the past. I wanted to honor the wishes of Jyla and Yano, who had entrusted Tama'irah with the care and upbringing of their daughter, believing that she would one day bring about the unity they so fervently desired.

And so, with a heavy yet hopeful heart, I set out to seek an audience with Queen Aurelia. There was much to be mended, but I was determined to embrace the opportunity for reconciliation and to right the wrongs of the past. The path to peace and unity lay before me, and I vowed to walk it with unwavering resolve.

As I approached the Tri-Queendom, a mix of apprehension and anticipation churned within me. The weight of my revelations and the prospect of confronting Queen Aurelia loomed over me like an unyielding storm. I knew that the road to redemption would not be easily traveled, but I clung to the hope that our shared blood might serve as a bridge between our disparate worlds.

As I entered the grand hall of the Tri-Queendom, I was met with curious gazes and murmurs that trailed in my wake. The air crackled with tension, and I understood the gravity of my presence in this hallowed space. I sought an audience with Queen Aurelia, longing to lay bare the truths that bound us together, even as they threatened to drive us apart.

When I finally stood before her, I found myself gazing into eyes that mirrored my own, a stark reminder of our shared lineage. Aurelia's expression was a mixture of guarded caution and curiosity, and I steeled myself for the tumultuous conversation that lay ahead.

"Queen Aurelia," I began, my voice steady despite the tumult of emotions roiling within me. "I come to you not as an adversary, but as a seeker of peace. I have discovered truths that have reshaped my understanding of our shared history, and I stand before you now with a heart burdened by regret and a yearning for reconciliation."

Aurelia's eyes widened in surprise, and I could see the wariness in her gaze begin to soften, replaced by a glimmer of cautious hope. "What truths have you discovered, Thalia?" she inquired, her tone measured yet tinged with a vulnerability that mirrored my own.

Aurelia: The Fanatical Story of A GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora