Chapter 17

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Queen Eilonwy's POV

The days in the Tri-Queendom were filled with a sense of unity and harmony that I hadn't experienced before. As one of the queens, I felt a deep sense of responsibility. Our realm had grown, and with it, our responsibilities. We were no longer just queens of our individual races but rulers of a diverse realm. It was time to reach out, to forge alliances with realms beyond our own.

I was particularly drawn to the realm of the Fairies and Pixies. They were beings of magic and mystery, just like us, and I believed that forming a friendship with them was the next logical step. However, it was no secret that the Fairies and Pixies had always been elusive, choosing to keep their distance from other races. It was crucial that we approached this with sensitivity and respect.

While I was planning our approach to the Fairies and Pixies, Eolande brought up her desire to form an alliance with Queen Nerissa of the Mermaids and Sirenas and Empress Ruby of the Krakens. Both were powerful rulers, with a turbulent history of conflict and conquest. But they had since put aside their differences and united their realms. It was a testament to the power of reconciliation, and we wanted the Tri-Queendom to be part of this alliance.

At the same time, Aurelia expressed her desire to seek a peace settlement with the Dwarves and Giants. Centuries of conflict had left deep scars, with wounds that were slow to heal. The Dwarves and Giants were known for their stubbornness and pride, and making peace with them would be no small feat. But we agreed with Aurelia. It was time to put an end to the bloodshed, to seek a peace that would benefit all beings in the Tri-Queendom.

As we discussed these matters, a sense of unity prevailed. Eolande, Aurelia, and I held different POVs, but we were united in our vision of a peaceful, harmonious realm. We understood that achieving this vision would require patience, diplomacy, and a willingness to understand and respect our differences.

We all agreed on prioritizing these relationships, with each of us taking the lead in establishing the alliances we proposed. I would approach the Fairies and Pixies, Eolande would initiate talks with Queen Nerissa and Empress Ruby, and Aurelia would seek a peace settlement with the Dwarves and Giants.

As I began drafting my letters to the Fairies and Pixies, I felt a surge of hope. Hope for a future where our realm was not just united within but also connected with others, where peace and understanding were not just ideals but realities. We were on a path to create a world where our differences were celebrated, where each being could live in harmony with the other. And I knew that while the path might be filled with challenges, we were ready to face them together. We were ready to build a future that was inclusive, accepting, and united. We were ready to make the Tri-Queendom a realm of peace, love, and unity.

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