Chapter 26

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Olaf's POV

I sat on my throne, the grand hall now silent and empty, save for the echoes of the Tri-Queendom's queens' words. Words of unity, of peace, of a world where diversity was not a cause for conflict, but a reason for celebration. Their words carried weight, a weight that I, as a king, could not ignore.

As a Giant, I was raised to value strength and independence. We were a people who prided ourselves on our ability to stand alone, to weather any storm. But the world was changing, and perhaps, so too should we.

Alanah, my advisor, stood by my side. As a half-giant, half-elf hybrid, she was a living testament to the possibility of unity amidst diversity. She understood the complexities of this proposal better than anyone. I respected her counsel, valued her insight. And I could see in her eyes the same spark of hope that I had seen in the eyes of the queens.

"Alanah," I said, my voice echoing in the empty hall. "What do you make of this?"

She paused, her gaze thoughtful. "It's a possibility, my King," she replied. "A chance for us to broaden our horizons, to learn and grow. The world is larger than our realm alone."

I nodded, considering her words. It was a risk, letting outsiders into our realm, into our lives. But perhaps it was a risk worth taking. The queens had spoken with conviction, with sincerity. They believed in this dream of unity, and perhaps, just perhaps, I could believe in it too.

"We will continue this dialogue," I said, more to myself than to Alanah. "We will seek to understand their ways, their people. And perhaps, in time, we will find a common ground."

Alanah smiled, a small but genuine smile. "Yes, my King. I believe we will."

As the sun rose, casting a warm glow over the snow-covered peaks, I felt a sense of peace. The path ahead was uncertain, filled with challenges and obstacles. But for the first time in centuries, I allowed myself to dream of a different world, a world of unity and peace. And as I watched the dawn break, I knew that this was a dream worth pursuing.

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