Chapter 74

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Third-person POV

Orddu, the Queen of the Orcs, sat upon her throne, her sharp eyes scanning the emissary who had arrived with a private message from Kharyn, the Goblin King. She motioned for the emissary to approach and hand her the message. As she unrolled the parchment and read Kharyn's words, a mix of emotions washed over her.

The private message spoke of the Goblin King's suspicions about the true intentions of the Ogre Empire and its Empress, Talia. Kharyn believed that both the Orcs and the Goblins had been manipulated and deceived, pitted against each other by the machinations of the Ogre Empire. Orddu's brow furrowed as she pondered Kharyn's words. She had long harbored her own doubts about the true nature of their conflict with the Goblins.

As she read on, a sense of weariness washed over her. The toll of the needless war weighed heavily on her heart. Her people suffered, as did the Goblins, and for what? A bitter conflict fueled by lies and manipulation. Orddu knew that Kharyn shared her sentiment; they were both tired of the bloodshed and the suffering.

Orddu rose from her throne, her mind racing with the implications of Kharyn's message. If what he said was true, then the Orcs and the Goblins had been nothing more than pawns in a larger game orchestrated by the Ogre Empire and its cunning Empress. It was time for a change, a new path forward.

She summoned her trusted advisors and messengers, instructing them to send word to Kharyn. She was determined to meet with him and discuss the contents of his message in person. Together, they would find a way to bring an end to the senseless conflict that had plagued their lands for far too long.

Orddu believed that the Tri-Queendom and its allies would stand with them in their quest for peace. They would do anything in their power to put an end to this unnecessary war and unite against the true threat: the Ogre Empire and the malevolent Empress, Talia.

As the preparations for the meeting with Kharyn began, Orddu felt a newfound sense of hope stirring within her. Together, the Orcs and the Goblins would forge a new alliance, one based on trust and mutual understanding. It was time to set aside old grievances and stand united against a common enemy.

The winds of change were blowing across the lands, and Orddu was determined to seize this opportunity to bring about a better future for her people and the Goblins. Together, they would defy the manipulations of the Ogre Empire and chart their own destiny, side by side as allies.

As the emissaries departed to carry her message to Kharyn, Orddu could feel the weight of responsibility settling on her shoulders. The decision to reach out to the Goblins was a bold one, but it was one that she believed in with all her heart. She had seen enough bloodshed and suffering, and she was determined to put an end to it.

In the days that followed, preparations for the meeting with Kharyn were made with utmost care. Orddu's advisors worked tirelessly to ensure that the gathering would be a safe and meaningful one. They sent out messengers to the leaders of the Tri-Queendom and its allies, conveying the urgent need for a united front against the true threat of the Ogre Empire.

Orddu knew that their decision to forge an alliance with the Goblins would not be without its challenges. There were deep-seated animosities and distrust between their two peoples, sown by years of conflict and manipulation. However, she was convinced that the Orcs and the Goblins shared a common desire for peace and freedom from the clutches of the Ogre Empire.

When the day of the meeting arrived, Orddu found herself standing at the edge of her territory, waiting for the arrival of Kharyn and his retinue. The air crackled with tension as the Goblins approached, but Orddu held her head high, determined to set the tone for the gathering.

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