Chapter 23

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Olaf's POV

From my throne atop the highest peak, I watched as the snowfall blanketed the landscape, turning the realm of the Giants into a serene world of white. Solitude was something I had grown accustomed to over the centuries. We Giants were not known for our diplomacy, nor did we seek the company of other realms. But times were changing, and I could sense that change was inevitable.

When the message from the Tri-Queendom arrived, I felt a spark of something I hadn't felt in a long time – curiosity. Eolande, Aurelia, and Eilonwy, these queens, were proposing something unprecedented. An alliance among realms, a world united in peace. It was a concept foreign to us, but it was compelling nonetheless.

I had spent days and nights contemplating their offer. Many of the elder Giants were against it, cautioning me about the dangers of opening our realm to outsiders. But I knew that our isolation was a double-edged sword. It kept us safe, yes, but it also kept us stagnated, trapped in the past while the world moved forward.

In the end, I decided to invite the queens to our realm. I wanted to meet these women who dared to dream of peace in a world that had only known conflict. I wanted to see for myself if their intentions were as pure as their words suggested.

As I awaited their arrival, I could not help but feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension. I was about to break centuries of tradition, to open our doors to those we had long considered enemies. But as I looked out over the snow-covered landscape, I felt a sense of peace. Perhaps, this was the right path. Perhaps, it was time for us Giants to step out of the shadows and into the light of unity.

The day of their arrival was upon us. I stood at the entrance of our grand hall, the elders of our realm by my side. The air was thick with tension, but also with hope. As the queens made their entrance, I could not help but feel a sense of admiration. They were as regal and formidable as the stories had suggested, and the determination in their eyes was undeniable.

As they stepped forward, extending hands of peace, I knew that our world was on the brink of change. I could only hope that this change would lead to a better future for all our realms. For the first time in centuries, I allowed myself to dream of a world united, a world at peace. And as I took their hands in mine, I knew that this was a dream worth fighting for.

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