Chapter 7

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Aurelia's POV

Tama'irah's revelation about the necklace and its connection to the Heart of Stone left me pensive. I felt the weight of my destiny pressing down on me, but it was not an unwelcome burden. I was the queen-to-be, the bearer of the necklace, and I was prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

My training continued, each day pushing me to my limits. I learnt new spells, honed my combat skills, and studied the ancient lore of our people. And through it all, I felt the presence of the necklace, its magic coursing through my veins, connecting me to a soul I had yet to meet.

The visions were becoming more frequent, the images of Trolltopia more vivid. I could see the trolls going about their lives, unaware of the impending threat. It was strange to feel such a connection to beings I had never met, a land I had never seen. But it was this connection that drove me, that made me want to protect them.

Then one day, during my meditation, I felt a pull. It was stronger than I had ever experienced before, a force that seemed to tug at the very core of my being. I let it guide me, and I found myself standing in a forest, the air rich with the scent of pine and damp earth. There was a figure standing before me, his back turned to me. He turned around, and I saw a face that was as familiar as my own, a face I recognized from the visions.

The Heart of Stone.

Her eyes met mine, and in that moment, everything clicked into place. The necklace around my neck pulsed, and I felt a surge of power, a connection that was more profound than anything I had ever experienced. I knew then that we were two halves of the same whole, destined to meet and unite for the sake of our people.

When I came out of the meditation, Tama'irah was waiting for me, her eyes filled with anticipation. "You saw him, didn't you?" she asked, a knowing smile tugging at her lips.

"Yes," I replied, unable to keep the excitement from my voice. "She is the Heart of Stone."

And just like that, our path became clear. We knew where to go, whom to seek. The Heart of Stone was waiting for us in Trolltopia, and I was ready to meet her, to bring her home. For the sake of Elflandia, for the sake of our people, I was ready to face my destiny.

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