Chapter 25

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Alanah's POV

The grandeur of the meeting hall, usually so imposing, felt different that day. There was an air of anticipation, a sense of the extraordinary. As King Olaf's royal advisor, I was privy to many a council, but this one was unlike any other. The queens of the Tri-Queendom, in our halls, speaking of peace. It was an idea that stirred something deep within me.

Being a half-giant and half-elf, I had always felt a certain dissonance within myself, a jarring clash of cultures that were supposed to be at odds. My very existence was a testament to the possibility of unity amidst diversity. Yet, the world I lived in was so far from this ideal. The realm of the Giants was one of isolation, of stubborn resistance to change. But as I watched the queens speak, I dared to hope.

Their words resonated within the grand hall, stirring the silent watchers. I watched King Olaf, my mentor, my king. His expression was unreadable, as always, but I knew him well enough to see the spark of interest in his eyes. The queens were compelling, their vision for a united world a beacon of hope in these troubled times.

As the meeting stretched on, I watched the change unfold. The tension that had been so palpable at the beginning of the meeting began to wane, replaced by a grudging respect, and perhaps, a hint of curiosity. The Giants, my people, were listening, truly listening.

When the council ended, I could not help but feel a sense of progress. It was not a definitive success, but we had taken a step forward, towards dialogue, towards understanding. As I stood by King Olaf's side, I felt a surge of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, we were on the brink of change.

In the quiet that followed, King Olaf turned to me, his gaze thoughtful. "Alanah," he said, "I believe we have much to think about."

I nodded, my heart filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. "Yes, my king. We do."

As we left the grand hall, the sun was rising, casting the snow-covered landscape in a warm glow. It felt symbolic, somehow, a new day, a new start. And as I looked back at the hall where history had been made, I could not help but feel a sense of pride. We had a long way to go, but we had taken the first step. And sometimes, that was all it took to set the wheels of change in motion.

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