Chapter 14

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Aurelia's POV

The days in Trolltopia had a rhythm of their own, humming to the tune of the natural world around it. Eolande was the perfect guide, her knowledge of every tree, every creature, every stone, was astounding. Her love for her land was evident in the way her voice softened when she talked about it. It was infectious, making me fall in love with Trolltopia.

One day, Eolande took me to a place she called the 'Veil of Stars'. It was a hidden grove, the canopy overhead so thick that when the sun shone, the light filtered through the leaves, creating a spectacle of dancing shadows and sparkling rays on the forest floor. It was enchanting, like walking through a dream.

"By night," Eolande explained, her voice a soft murmur, "the leaves part to reveal the night sky. It's like standing under a veil of stars." Her eyes sparkled with excitement, her hand warm in mine, and something within me fluttered at her enthusiasm.

As we spent the day exploring the grove, the connection between us pulsed stronger. Eolande's presence was comforting, her hand in mine a constant reassurance. Our conversations flowed as freely as the river nearby, our laughter echoing in the silence of the grove.

As the day morphed into evening, we found ourselves standing in the heart of the grove, the sky above slowly unveiling its cosmic tapestry. The sight took my breath away; it was as if we were standing under a blanket of twinkling stars, the quiet of the night punctuated by the soft sounds of the forest.

Eolande was watching me, her gaze intense. The glow of the stars reflected in her eyes, adding a mystical allure to her beauty. My heart pounded in my chest as she stepped closer, her hand still holding mine.

"Aurelia," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the night's chorus. "I..."

Suddenly, my world tilted as she leaned in, her lips meeting mine. It was soft, hesitant at first, but as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer, the kiss deepened. It was a melody of emotions; surprise, happiness, a hint of nervousness, and an overwhelming sense of rightness.

When we finally pulled apart, breathless and exhilarated, I found myself lost in her gaze. Her eyes were filled with an array of emotions, mirroring my own. It felt as though time had stilled, the world around us fading into insignificance.

In the heart of the grove, under the veil of stars, I realized that I was irrevocably in love with Eolande, the guardian of Trolltopia. And as her fingers gently caressed my cheek, her eyes reflecting the love I felt, I knew she felt the same. Under the starlit sky, we shared a promise, a silent vow, sealed with a kiss—a promise of love, of togetherness, of a shared destiny.

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