Chapter 27 part 2

Start from the beginning

Samuel hadn't realized how heroic Matias had looked when saving him. Hell, he hadn't even really noticed how last second the save was.

The cameras zoomed in once more, barely avoiding catching Samuels face as Matias crouched down beside him.

"Is that really the villain?!" The reporter continued to shout obnoxiously. "What kind of awful things could he be plotting now of all times!?"

Matias laughed humorlessly. The sound was dry and forced, drawing Samuels attention away for just a split second.

He was in a daze as he watched Matias swap his mask over onto Samuels face. The cameras captured his expression perfectly.

Matias's eyes were wide, horror shining through them. His irises were darting around, not being able to decide if he should look at Samuels eyes, his wound, or the new villain.

Samuel leaned over on the couch, pressing his shoulder onto Matias's. His breathing was dangerously slow, but he could only ignore it.

Finally, on the screen, Matias's eyes settled on Samuel wound. His hands followed his gaze, reaching to stop the blood that was spilling.

Samuel couldn't help but feel ashamed of his own expression. He looked confused and desperate, looking Matias in the eyes with a pleading look.

He could see his own lips move just barely. To anyone else it might not seem like much, but he remembered what he had said.


Matias's breathing hitched beside him while the new villain pounded down on the wall he had built between them.

He watched as Matias's lips moved. He remembered Matias telling him that he could hold her off for long enough for him to get himself to safely. Even worse, he remembered thinking that there was no way he would survive.

As one last hit was laid on the bubble around them Samuel watched as he stumbled away, abandoning Matias to fight the new villain alone.

He leaned his head over onto Matias's shoulder and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. He didn't want to even imagine his cowardly he seemed just leaving Matias like that.

"And now the hero is leaving? Where is he going? Will the villain be fighting the new villain?" The news reporter went on vigorously.

On the couch Matias let go of Samuel's hand a shifted to wrap his arm around him. He squeezed Samuels shoulder and reached over with his other hand to grab back on to Samuels.

Despite how distracted he was, the gesture made him feel nice. Not flustered or anxious, but just.. nice. It made him feel cared for.

Samuel couldn't watch Matias fight the new villain. He could watching himself get beaten and bruised all he wanted, but was unable to watch Matias get hurt in his place.

He closed his eyes lightly, listening to the man on the TV explain the events.

"And the new villain isn't holding back! Is it possible they aren't on the same side after all?"

Samuel breathed slowly. As slow as he could without gasping for air.

"That's the third pile of bricks he's been thrown into! How is he still standing?"

The man continued on with theories and advice to keep everyone safe, but Samuel admittedly tuned it out.

He couldn't get rid of the image of Matias in his head, being thrown into building after building and being hurt so bad he could've died. All because Samuel walked away with his tail between his legs.

Matias's hand trailed up to Samuels hair, running his fingers through it slowly and gently. Samuel didn't think it was too obvious how much he was struggling, but apparently it was.

Neither of them paused the TV though. Matias continued to watch, and Samuel did his best to listen— though he tuned most of it out anyways.

"Her mask has been knocked off! The new villains face is revealed!"

With those words Samuels eyes snapped open and his head lifted off Matias's shoulder.

Covering the majority of the screen was a young-looking Indian girl with a terrified look on her face. And it was painfully familiar.

"That bitch" Matias mumbled, grabbing onto Samuels shoulder stiffly.

Samuel reached over and grabbed hold of the remote, pressing pause as quick as he could.

He glanced over to Matias, but he was still staring at the screen, which was paused right on the girls face.

Samuel pressed the off button, finally drawing Matias face away from the TV and over to his eyes.

"I can't fucking believe her" Matias spat before taking a deep breath.

His face relaxed, most of the anger leaving his eyes.

"What have we gotten into?" Samuel faltered.

Matias's hand on his shoulder loosened its grip, rubbing back and forth. "I don't know" he sighed.

The two let silence take over the room. But this silence wasn't like the hospital, or in the alley. This silence was sweet, and comforting. There wasn't faint beeping that Samuel had learned to tune out. There wasn't an immediate danger lurking near him.

It was just the two of them. Sitting on a couch, Samuels couch, with his daughter in the other room. After months, they could relax.

"It'll be okay" Samuel said more to himself than Matias. "We'll be okay"

He sat still as Matias's hand trailed down to his mid-back and his other arm wrapped around his waist.

Before he knew it he was reaching above Matias's shoulder and the two were locked in each others arms tightly.

Samuel let one of his hands roam to Matias's head, his fingers trailing in his hair. It was still slightly damp from his shower, but felt soft nonetheless.

He smelled of Samuels shampoo and body wash, making Samuels heart beat fast. He was sure Matias could feel it through his chest as their bodies pressed together, but was unbothered.

"Why did you do it?" Samuel uttered quietly into Matias's ear.

"Do what?" Matias whispered back, the closeness of his voice making Samuel stiffen.

"Why did you jump in?"


The amount of times I had to refer back to previous chapters while writing this is ridiculous 😭

I still haven't fixed my formatting so there still isn't any holding it italics

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