~Wooyoung~ Sasaeng [Part 1]

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I'm sure. Are you two heading home," I asked them.

"I think we're just going to watch a movie and relax. I would go out if I had the energy but I don't," San said with a shrug.

"Alright. I'll see you two later, I shouldn't be too long," I said. They both nodded before they exited the room, leaving me alone.

I spent the next hour practicing, going over the one song, focusing mainly on that one part. It was a little tiring but it was so worth it as when I finally got it right, I felt so proud of myself. I couldn't stop the grin from slipping onto my face as the song stopped for the last time after I had done every move successfully. I clapped lightly before I decided it was time to pack up. I packed up all of my things, slipping on my hoodie (Yeosang's) and zipping up my bag. As I left the room, I made sure to turn the lights off and close the door behind myself. With my bag slung over my shoulder and my hood up to keep me warm, I walked down the halls to head to the exit, sending a quick message to one of our drivers to let them know that I was heading out.

"Oh, Wooyoung-ssi." I looked up from my phone and paused my walking as I heard my name, seeing a staff member walk over to me.

"Oh, hi," I said slowly, confused as to why she was stopping me.

"Sorry to disturb you Wooyoung-ssi but there was an envelope left at the front desk for you," the staff said. I rose an eyebrow in confusion, wondering who exactly would send a letter to me and leave it at the front desk. It was odd but I shrugged it off and grabbed the envelope, slipping it into my pocket.

"Thanks," I said, flashing them a small smile. They bowed quickly and I reciprocated before we both continued on our way. It was lightly raining outside so I jogged to the car that was waiting outside, hurrying inside and buckling up as I popped my bag on the seat. The drive back to the dorm wasn't long and I thanked the driver before rushing up the steps and unlocking the door to go inside. I closed it behind me and locked it again before wiping my feet on the mat and walking down the hall. I glanced at the living room as I passed by, seeing San and Yunho sitting on the couch watching a movie as they had said. San glanced up and gave me a small smile to which I waved at him softly before he turned his attention back to the TV. I continued on to my room, dumping my bag and slipping off my shoes before grabbing a change of clothes and heading to the bathroom. I had a quick shower, cleaning my body but making sure to keep my hair dry. I really couldn't be bothered drying my hair even if it would only take a few extra minutes. I dried off after the shower and went back to my room, dumping the dirty clothes into my hamper. I had slipped the envelope out of my pocket so I sat down on my bed and opened it in anticipation to find out what exactly it was about. My eyebrows rose as I read the letter inside.

Dear my lovely Wooyoung,

You are so beautiful, the most gorgeous person in the world. It pains me to hear you sometimes don't see yourself that way but it's ok, I can love you enough for the both of us. You're amazing and talented and I absolutely adore you my Wooyoungie.

I hope you always stay in good health. I will continue to wait for you my Wooyoungie, you are mine.

Your Love

It was a love letter, that much was obvious as I read over it. It was actually a little sweet in some places but the ending was a little bit creepy, how they said I was theirs. But it just sounds like a harmless fan with a little crush on me. I just shrugged it off and chucked the letter in the bin before leaving my room and heading over to the loungeroom. The movie was most likely almost done so there was no point watching but that wasn't why I was coming out. I was coming out for my daily dose of cuddles. I padded my way behind the couch before moving in front of it and settling down beside San, curling up into his side. He shuffled around slightly so he was closer to me and lifted his arm, wrapping it around my shoulder to hold me closer. I dropped my head down onto his shoulder and let out a sigh, melting into him. He stopped moving after that, just continued to watch the movie. I didn't even pay attention to what the movie was, just closed my eyes and let the light sounds and San's soft breaths lull me into a peaceful sleep.

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