Chapter 35

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"I don't want S-Seulgi anymore, huhu... she's too much." She said for the 10th time while fake sobbing and drinking soju in one gulp.

I facepalmed and sighed as I looked at her right now.

Why is she repeating herself?

Honestly, she's only had 5 shots, but she's already so drunk.

At first, I thought she would take me to a bar, but I was surprised when she brought me to this mini food court. She doesn't like bars because they're too noisy to share stories, so here we are.

Here she is, whining like a child.

I don't know if I should feel sorry for her or laugh at her situation, claiming she's heartbroken even though they were never together.

"That's why I don't like those topic about love, look at you whining like that." I mumbled, but she heard it clearly.

"You fool, you can't really avoid getting in love, so don't speak like that." She said and slurped her noodle soup.

"Is that how it is when you're drunk?  Drama- " she smacked me really hard, making me hiss and stop talking.

"I'm not, I'm just stating the truth, aisssh!" She said and glared at me.

I massaged my head after she smacked me really hard.

Damn it! That hurts so much, damn it..

"Y-yah, maybe you want to move that thing?" She asked me while pointing at the shot glass with soju in front of me.

"Like this?" I asked her and pushed the shot glass, then laughed.

"Aisssh! What I mean is to drink it, why are you so slow?" She complained as she took another shot and filled her shot glass.

"I get it, I just don't want to drink it." I protested and ate my noodles.

"Because you don't want to get drunk?" She asked, blinking her eyes.

"No, it's just that I don't like the smell... it stinks." I answered as she was about to smack me again, but I quickly dodged it.

Why does she like hitting people so much?

"It doesn't stink, just drink it already ~ " she whined and pouted at me.

"Eh.." I said with a frowning expression as I crossed my arms.

"One." She warned me deeply.

"No." I pouted.

"Two." She sternly said.

Why are people so insistent?


After 123456789 years of persuading Y/n to take a shot of soju, she finally gave in.

And since it was her first time drinking, she was already knocked down after the third shot.

This is delicious, she thought while looking at her shot glass with a smile, then she filled it with soju and cheered with Irene.

As they continued to drink more, the result was...

"Y-yah.." The older said with her husky voice, poking Y/n's reddish cheek.

Y/n hummed as she took the bottle and drank it all.

"If I w-we're youw... I'll be g-good and kind.." Irene said while closing her eyes with a smile.

The latter stopped from drinking as she put the bottle down and looked at her older sister.

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