Chapter 7

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I sighed while entering our gate that has been left open once I got off of the taxi.

I rang the doorbell. Not long after, it was opened by Irene-ssi and she hugged me worriedly.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I did my best to cover up for you but–" I cut her off.

"It's fine, unnie. At least you did your best. Thank you for that." I said softly as I patted her back and broke the hug.

I walked to the living room, ignoring my dad who's reading a newspaper, and was about to go upstairs when I heard someone's voice making me freeze.

"Are you just going to pass by me? Are you really that disrespectful? Let me see your report card."

Dad said in a cold voice and gave me a stern glare when I turned around to face him.

I took out my report card gave it to him, he quickly snatched it and looked at my grades.

"Is this it? Your grades are still the same. No improvement." Dad said and harshly threw my report card.

I gently picked it up and held it tightly, controlling my emotions to not cry in front of him.

"Do you think that you'll be able to maintain your rank with that grades?! How can you manage to enjoy and relax when you're supposed to study, huh?!" He yelled.

I sighed and looked down.

"Go upstairs to your room before I slap you." He said in a deep voice and continued reading his newspaper.

I quickly went upstairs and locked my room. I dropped my bag on the study table and laid on my bed as I finally let my tears fall.

Scenarios like this happen every day in our house that sometimes I wished to never go home because they'll do nothing but scold me.

Are my grades not enough? I did everything that I could to maintain it but they're still unsatisfied.

My thoughts were disturbed when someone knocked on my door, I quickly wiped my tears before standing up.

"Y/N? This is your unnie. Let me in please?" She asked from the other side of the wall.

I wiped my tears once again before opening the door and was greeted by chocolates, drinks, and biscuits.

She entered my room and I immediately locked the door as she placed the food on my study table.

"I know that you're not okay so I bought you this." She said softly while handing me a chocolate drink.

I accepted it and took a sip while smiling a bit.

"Thank you, unnie. I hope I didn't bother you." I said.

We sat on my bed and looked at my grades.

"I don't know what's wrong with them. Your grades are excellent." She said in amazement.

I smiled and told her that I'll just take a shower.

After showering, I wore a white long-sleeve and black pajama pants.

Me and Irene-ssi talked for a bit before she went to her room to do her evening routine.

What will I ever do without Irene-ssi?

I also don't know.

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