Chapter 18

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I heard someone knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I said, still focusing on my laptop.

Just fifteen questions left...

The door opened, revealing Irene-unnie. She's holding two cups of Americano.

She placed the coffee on my study table before grabbing a chair and sitting beside me.

"Is that the reason why you slept at midnight?" She asked and took a closer look on what I'm typing on my laptop.

I nodded and sipped on the coffee that she bought me.

"Thanks for the coffee." I gratefully said while typing a question.

She leaned back against her chair and scrolled through her phone.

"By the way, how was your date last night? Are you together now?" She suddenly asked causing me to snap my head towards her direction and glare.

"What 'date' are you talking about? You're insane..." I said, mumbling the last two words. I focused on my laptop again.

She chuckled.

Just a few more questions and I'm done.

Irene-unnie suddenly laid her eyes on the notebook that I'm reading before making some questions.

She snatched the notebook and took a closer look.

"Yah!" I yelled.

I saw her furrowing her eyebrows while examining the lectures that Mina wrote.

"This isn't your handwriting... It's too pretty." She said and gave me a suspicious look.

"Because it's not mine, okay?" I said and snatched it in her hands before typing again.

"And also, can you not disturb me?" I said with a serious expression.

"So grumpy~" she said and pinched my cheeks.

I groaned in frustration.

Irene-unnie finally went out of the room while giggling.

"Maybe I should ban Irene-unnie from my room so no one will disturb me..." I mumbled to myself as I typed another question.

A few minutes later...

"FINALLY!" I exclaimed while stretching my arms.

I printed the test and placed it in a white folder so it can look presentable.

It's 11:00 AM, I'm starving.

There's no food in here, I'll just eat in a restaurant instead.

I took a bath before wearing a shirt, shorts, and some converse shoes.

I checked my phone to see that Irene-unnie texted me earlier.

From: Irene-unnie
Y/N-ie, I'm picking up my friend so I'll gone for a while. You're too busy on your stupid laptop so I decided to text you instead.

To: Irene-unnie
I'm going outside too.

From: Irene-unnie
What?! Where?!

To: Irene-unnie
Chill. I'm just going to eat in a restaurant. I'm starving.

From: Irene-unnie
Oh okay. Send me the location of the restaurant. Me and my friend will go there too~

To: Irene-unnie

I used the Japanese bike that Irene-unnie gifted me on my way to the restaurant.

Due to my hunger, I only bought my phone and my wallet that I placed in a paper bag so that it won't fall while I'm pedaling, and also my reviewer so that while waiting for my food to arrive, I can review some topics.

I reached a fancy restaurant and leaned my bicycle against a pole.

I checked the paper bag to see if anything fell along the way.

Okay, there's none.

Third Person's POV

Y/N already called the restaurant to reserve a table, because she will be going to eat with her unnie and her unnie's friend.

While waiting for her sister, she took out her reviewers and started to review.

That's how much of a good student she is.

She can't stand fifteen minutes of waiting without doing anything productive.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice caught Y/N's attention.

The owner of the voice immediately ran to Y/N and hugged her like they haven't seen each other in years even if they just literally saw each other earlier.

"What the heck, unnie? Do you really have to shout my name? There's so many people looking at us right now. You're embarrassing~" Y/N said in disbelief.

Irene smacked Y/N's shoulder and sat beside her.

"You're embarrassed because of me?" She said while pouting.

Y/N chuckled at her sister's reaction.

"Stop pouting. You look like an old hag attempting to be cute." She said which caused her sister to smack her again.

"Aww~ That hurts~!" Y/N groaned cutely that made Irene pinch her cheeks.

Y/N glared at her sister and Irene immediately stopped.

"Okay, okay, let's order now, Y/N-ie~ I could hear your stomach grumbling." Irene said while giggling before calling a waiter.

They ordered samgyeopsal, kimchi bokkeumbap, jokbal, and spicy noodles.

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