Chapter 93

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"Wh...where's Gabe?" I sputtered and looked at Axel as he seemed to be scanning the area. "What do you see?"

He seethed, his hands clenched, "Chloe and her damn shadows. They just strolled in and took him. They teleported out...I can't see where."

Avery's shoulders shook as she spoke, "We know where." She gripped Victor's hand tightly. "You have to stay here," she told him. When he started to object, she placed a finger on his lips, "This is my responsibility and my purpose. Your job is to keep Aine safe, just as Nathan must stay with Connor, and Luke with Erin. Cliff told you I wouldn't be alone. Gabriel will be there with me until the end." Tears fell down her cheeks as she spoke and I felt my heart tighten.

"Why can't one of us go with you, wildfire?" I asked. As if the universe felt the need to respond, suddenly hundreds of shadows poured from the trees. "Fuck," I muttered as we went into action. The five of us held a line for the guys to get back to the courts with the kids. Avery's eyes met mine for a brief moment and she spoke in my mind, I love you, Marc, then she vanished.


The damn queen prattled on with her little monologue while I sat pretending to listen, but instead my attention was fully focused on the odd-looking door behind her.

That was the gate.

It swirled with shadowy creatures and looked like a wave of heat was coming off of it in that hazy appearance that hot asphalt gets in the summer. I must have been so focused that I didn't realize Avery had appeared. Dammit woman, why don't you listen?

"Ahh the guest of honor," the queen hissed.

Our eyes met. Why did you come?

Because I love you, and I won't let you be alone. I will keep my promise and not open the gate, but I have to try and you know that - she answered with a faint smile.

I sighed, I know. I love you, Avery. Please remember that none of this is your fault. She nodded in response.

"Oh, isn't that sweet, a final conversation," the creature cackled. "Star-crossed lovers and all that drivel." I wish my hands were free so I could punch this bitch, I thought to myself, and then choked when my binds seemed to vanish. Wait, did I do that? "Coming into that power rather quickly," she hummed. "All the better for me. The more magic the stronger the spell." Before I could respond, her nails elongated and plunged into my chest. What the fuck is it with these damn queens and my heart.

I heard Avery scream and turned my head to look at her. "Shh, d...don't cry, Chaton, I love you," I choked as blood filled my mouth. Suddenly, I felt very light and calm, then the world went dark.


Most of us were in Avery's room with the children, while the Toma men were battling in the hall and great room. All of us had managed to make it to Mab's court and several Unseelie Fae had stepped up to help us battle. Luke grabbed his chest and let out a fierce roar, then sobbed, ""

It was as if the world froze for a moment as we all realized what his cries meant.

He lifted his head, a look of anger on his face, and pulled his daughter to him. "Erin, I need you to stay close to Uncle North and Owen. Daddy's going to look scary, but I promise I won't hurt you or your brother and sister. I need to get rid of these bad shadows that want to hurt us, okay?"

She kissed his cheek, "It's okay Daddy, you can be a scary dragon now."

He laughed, "One of these days, you'll have to explain how you know so much, sweetheart." She just shrugged and giggled, then moved closer to me. Luke stomped toward the door, throwing his head back and roaring so loud it shook the walls as he shifted more and more with each step.

"He's gonna kick some butt," Erin tittered. Then her eyes fell a bit. "Angelmama says he's sad. She says Gabe will be okay even if he is different now."

I swiped at the tears that stung my own eyes and nodded, "I know, sugar. It's just hard to let go sometimes." She nodded and then dove behind my leg as another shadow moved forward.

Owen reached down and grabbed her. "Want to see a trick?" he asked her as she nodded. Then right before our eyes, he stepped back into the shadows making both of them invisible. What the fuck? They can't see me, but I can see them and hear their thoughts. You need to focus. Create portals that send them back behind the gate. Unless it opens, they won't be able to get out. His voice filled my head. I nodded and started doing what he suggested, but they just kept coming. How many of these bastards are there?

Author's Notes:  Please don't hate me.

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