Chapter 80

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Avery had been a nervous wreck, refusing to leave the house for fear that the evil trio would discover she was back and do something horrible to all of us. "So what if we all took a trip?" I suggested. "If we are all gone, they can't possibly track us, can they?"

"But won't that in itself look suspicious?" Marc asked. "If they are watching us then it would look odd for all of us to suddenly vanish as well as give the appearance that we aren't looking for her any longer."

"When is your next meeting with Isabelle and Chloe?" Kota asked. "Have you found a way for Sean to get near her?"

Owen mused, "I think we should invite them to a business lunch. Sean can show up and join us. From what I can tell, they are staying in London, so that would be the ideal setting. We can still use the penthouse, then meet them in the private dining room."

Avery sat on the loveseat with her head in Victor's lap as I rubbed her feet. Erin was on the floor coloring as she watched a cartoon. Suddenly she popped her head up, "Mama says the scary lady is gonna be mad."

Avery looked at me in confusion as she sat up, "When did I say that, baby?"

Erin shook her head, "Not you Mama, my angel mama. She says the scary lady is going to be mad that you are back. The icky lady has spies in the trees. Mama says you should go to see Marith and take me and Daddy. She says Daddy Gabriel needs to go too. She has to give him the instructions."

We all gaped at my daughter in confusion. "Erin, honey, are you saying your Mama Fiona talked to you?" I asked her, sliding onto the floor near her. She nodded and smiled. "When did she talk to you, baby?"

"Lots. She's played with me in my dreams, she plays in the garden with me and the sprites. But she told me about the scary lady just now." Her eyes got wider, "Am I not supposed to tell? Was it a secret?" She looked around the room like someone might be watching or listening.

"No baby, it's okay, we're just surprised is all," I reassured her. She giggled, commenting okay, then returned to her drawing.

"Which one is the scary lady?" Victor muttered. I shrugged and Erin didn't answer. "So are you going?" he asked Avery.

She sighed, "From the mouths of babes. Far be it for me to argue with the spirit of my dead best friend or my daughter. Are you coming as well," she asked him.

"Daddy Victor can't come," Erin said. "He has to meet the bird lady. She knows about the gate."

"Are you talking about Sang?" He asked her, as Erin nodded in agreement. "So can anyone else go with you and Mama?"

Erin closed her eyes, her nose and forehead scrunched as she concentrated. She stood up and moved closer to the Toma men. She tilted her head at Raven and Corey. "Yes, they should come with us. He makes pretty lights," she grinned pointing at Corey.

He gave her a grin and held out his hand making a small fountain of sparkling lights appear as she squealed and clapped her hands. "For you little sprite, I will gladly make all the pretty lights you wish," he told her.

"Woah, since when did you become a human lite bright?" Nate gaped.

Corey chuckled, looking at Avery with a loving glance, "Since I claimed Raven and Avery as my soulmates. It unlocked my gifts and memories."

"Why do I feel like I'm missing a lot here?" I grinned. "And I thought it was interesting when I found out Victor was here. Things are just getting interesting aren't they, little one?" I pulled Avery up and into my lap, my hand running over her stomach. "So how do we get where we are going, and who is Marith?"

Avery gave us all a sheepish look, "She's the Morrigan and we are going to Tír na nÓg.

I think you could hear every jaw in the room drop.


We stood in the garden under a full moon. Avery cupped Nate's face and kissed him. "Know that I love you no matter what. If it is your daughter, we will fight for her, for you to be a father to her. Drowning your fears in alcohol isn't going to help, a mhuirnín."

His shoulders sagged and he drew in a ragged breath, "I know. I'm so sorry I let my addiction get the better of me. I won't do it again, Cariño. Kota' is going to stay with me to keep me on the level since Gabe's going with you."

"Oh joy, you get to deal with his pouty ass when he starts to detox this time. Buy lots of hot chocolate, it helps," Gabe smirked as he pulled Nate into a hug. "I'm just kidding, you've got this, man." He turned to Kota mouthing, Get the hot chocolate!

Kota chuckled and nodded as Avery went around kissing all those who were staying behind before coming back to take mine and Erin's hands. She lifted her head and spoke, her words carrying across the garden, "Éist le mo chaoin A Mhuire, a Mháthair, a Chrón. Ceadaigh do tháillí iontráil - tabhair abhaile sinn. (Hear my cry Maiden, Mother, Crone. Allow your charges entry - bring us home)." We felt a rush of wind and then everything went dark.

I blinked my eyes repeatedly, trying to see anything. I felt tears rush to my eyes when I heard her voice. "Hello Lucian, I've missed you."

"Fiona?" I whispered as her face came into view. She nodded and smiled as she reached out to hug me. I couldn't stop the cries that broke from my throat.

"Angel mama!" Erin squealed as she pushed between us.

Fiona laughed as she bent down and picked her up, "There's my precious girl!" She looked up and saw Avery and smiled, "I'm so glad you finally told him. I can't think of anyone I'd rather see in their lives, Av." Avery's eyes streamed with tears as well as she stepped forward and hugged them both. I stood there in complete awe watching the three most important women in my life embracing. It was surreal. When they broke apart and began wiping at their tears, Fiona said, "Come on, Marith is waiting for us. We found some things that might help."

Exchanging looks with the others who were shocked, we followed the three of them into the darkness.

Author's Notes: Please vote, follow, share, and comment.

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