Chapter 57

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I shivered, waking up on the cold dirt again. I'd dreamt of her again last night. I swear I could still feel Avery's soft lips against mine. I swear I'm going to lock us in the bedroom for a week once I get home, and Owen...damn...

We had been wandering for days with no sight of anyone. The soldier I'd removed the shrapnel from had died the night before. Despite my and Tran's efforts, his wound had reopened as we navigated the harsh terrain and quickly became infected. We buried him alongside the road, his dog tags now hanging around my neck along with a poorly transcribed letter to his mom that I promised to deliver. I was quickly coming to realize the other soldier was out of his depth.

I began filling the canteens with the dew water I'd collected when I heard a soft voice. "Don't go south, Sean. Turn to the West."

I looked around in confusion, almost dropping the precious liquid. "Who's there," I hissed, scanning the area. The only sound that responded was the whistling of the wind in the trees.

I had just finished with the water when Tran came up, "That soldier says it's time to go." I stopped and looked up. I've never been a religious person, but right now I was questioning. Not three days ago, I'd asked for help...was that it? "Sean?"

"I think we're going the wrong way," I said finally. I pulled out my compass and pointed, "We need to head in that direction."

The soldier must have walked up while I was talking because he snapped, "Are you fucking insane? That's towards the fighting. I'm trying to get away from it."

I could see the fear in his eyes, his hands shook as he gripped the shoulder strap of his weapon. I needed to be careful here. I was fairly certain he was suffering from PTSD and his mental state was tenuous at best. "You aren't responsible for us, soldier. Follow the direction you want, but I'm going that way, okay?" I held out a canteen for him. He eyed it cautiously, then snatched it, grumbling as he stormed off toward the south.

"Are you sure we should be separating from him?" Tran asked hesitantly.

I nodded, "He's falling apart and becoming more paranoid by the minute. My gut says west, and I'm not going to second guess it now," I told him.

He let out an uncertain breath, "Lead the way, Dr. Green."


Well, the soldier was right, we had headed toward more gunfire, but that also meant people and bases where we might get help. Tran and I had hidden in a burnt-out bus for the night as Russian troops scoured the area. "Got any more brilliant suggestions," I muttered to the heavens questioning my sanity at this point.

Just before dawn, a series of explosions sent us running as the skies began to light up with gunfire. A glimpse of blond hair caught my attention. What the fuck? It was a child - three, maybe four, unattended. She turned and looked at me, motioning us to follow her. I shook my head...that's it, I've fucking cracked I thought. "Please tell me you see her too," I said to Tran without looking away.

"Uh, I see her, but I don't believe it," he muttered. "Hallucinogens in the air?"

I scoffed, "While that wouldn't be completely unreasonable, I doubt we would both hallucinate a small child trying to get us to follow her. Oh well, what do we have to lose?" I huffed as we began making our way to her. Each time we got close, she seemed to get farther away as she led us down a labyrinth of streets and alleyways. The air became thick with smoke from the fighting and several burning buildings.

Suddenly I froze. "Where did she go?" Tran asked in a hushed tone. "She...she just vanished."

I started to answer when an explosion to our left sent us to our stomachs, covering our heads. I groaned and realized small laser lights were trained on us. "Fuck me," I groaned.

I looked up slowly, seeing a group of men all heavily armed in gear that resembled black-ops protocol. One of the men tilted his head.


Author's Notes:  Any guesses on who the man is?

I'll try and post a few extra updates this weekend.  Work is a tad crazy.

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