Chapter 37

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I walked into the room, with Gabriel's hand in mine while Luke and Victor followed us. I sat on the sofa with him next to me as they sat across from us. "What would you like to talk about, Gabriel?" I asked him.

He looked between the three of us, gathering his thoughts. "First, are you really okay with this, like the fact that I'm not straight?"

"Of course, I mean neither of them are either so why does it matter?" I answered simply. "But that isn't what you really want to know, is it? You want to know if we all want you, and I do believe the answer is yes. But this time I don't want you to leave and never see you again."

He blinked in surprise as Luke and Victor chuckled. "Damn, give her a little confidence, and she runs with it," Victor said. "She's not wrong, Gabe. I meant what I said at the restaurant - I still love you, not past tense, present tense. I never fell out of love with you. It wasn't Sang I spent nights crying over and missing, it was you."

"I've had a crush on you since we were teens," Luke said. "You were my best friend and when you left it finally dawned on me that I actually loved you, but I thought it was too late." He looked at me and grinned, "Seems I have a tendency to never find the right timing. If you don't feel the same way, then I understand."

Gabe threw his hands up, "The world has gone fucking mad! You were all the normal ones, and now, well hell, I'm feeling bland...what the fuck?" He pointed at Luke, "First off, you...the next time you kiss me, you better be prepared. I was taken off guard and that wasn't my best work. I always assumed you were cis, I mean for fucks sake you were married to a woman. As for now, I want to find out - to find out if there is a spark because damn that was a good kiss." He pointed at Victor. "You took my damn virginity and you're the only man I've been with. I won't say I didn't try, but I never could cross that line without seeing your damn face. I've loved you for as long as I can remember. I don't think I'd have survived all the shit with my parents and Pam if it hadn't been for you, Victor. You are the one person who always made me feel safe."

I saw the tears in all three of their eyes and fought to keep my tears at bay. That is until he turned to me. "And you my little chaton, you found me in that bar so long ago in my darkest hour. Imagine my surprise when this guy told me I'd taken your innocence, but here's a little secret for you, Avery. You took mine as well. Sang and I never had sex. When Victor left it just felt wrong and we drifted apart. So here I sit in the room with the only two people I've had sex with and both of them have made a lasting impression in my life. The third is the best friend I've ever known and one of the strongest men I know with all he's faced. I also hope he will let me know what it feels like to love him. This room holds all I want, and you, little kitten, are the reason we are all together now."

He leaned over and cupped my face, his lips ghosting across mine. "If you agree to this I will never let you go - any of you. Please don't hurt me."

"Oh, Gabriel," I cried seeing the fear in his brilliant blue eyes. "I promise I won't," I told him, then pulled his mouth to mine. Our kiss never broke as I felt him lift me in his arms and carry me to the bed. I could hear Luke and Victor's clothing hitting the floor and saw the look of devotion in Gabriel's eyes when he pulled back and lifted my shirt over my head. Victor's arms came around his chest and began to unbutton his top as Luke unbuckled his pants. Once he was fully undressed they both kissed him, their hands exploring each other as I watched in fascination.

Luke turned to me, "Lay down, baby. Let us show you how much we love you." His body hovered over mine as I let my body fall back against the cool sheets. He began kissing along my chest and stomach until his mouth covered my core, his tongue flicking across my clit. I arched and moaned, my hands tangling in his hair as I looked up to see Victor and Gabriel lost in a deep kiss. Victor's hand reached down and slowly stroked Gabriel's cock as he moaned. I let out a cry when Luke's fingers began to pump inside of me. In seconds I was cumming on his hand. He quickly moved up and slid inside of me bare. Feck, he felt so good. "I love you so damn much, Av," he groaned as he lifted my legs higher.

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