Chapter 92

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We had made love for hours with most of us falling asleep outside in the conjured beds. Nate and Kota had gone inside to care for the children along with Brandon and Silas. I sat up in bed as I felt a breeze and shivered. The ground shook slightly as Luke landed in front of the bed. "Started without me, I see," he chuckled. His voice was much deeper and downright hypnotic in this form. "You're drooling, husband," he taunted.

I grinned sheepishly, "Can't blame me. You're breathtaking."

He laughed and in seconds, he shifted to the form I'd always known, but somehow even this way he looked different - leaner, stronger, sexier. "Still drooling," he whispered as he climbed into the bed. I swear for the first time in my life I felt like I was a mouse and he was a cat stalking me. My body trembled in anticipation. "Victor," he whispered when his lips connected to mine. His hand gripped my neck and pulled me to him as he dominated me completely. Every inch of my body quickly responded and I heard a whine escape my throat when he gripped my cock, stroking me firmly. "I'm going to mark you now, then I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll feel me for weeks, my love," he purred.

My body arched into his, "Yes," I moaned, then cried out as his fangs pierced my neck. It was a wave of love mingled with lust and possessiveness that settled deep into my soul as he gripped me. When he pulled back, he gently sealed the mark and then pushed me onto my stomach as he thrust into me, fully seating himself inside me in a single movement. In my mind, I knew it should have hurt, but I was lost in my need for him. It was as if his and my emotions had mingled. I could hear Gabe and Avery's pants as they made love next to us, but I didn't care. I just wanted to feel Luke, to surrender to him in that moment. He grunted and spoke in a language I'd never heard. It felt like a fire was spreading across my body as his hand reached around and pulled me up against him, driving him deeper inside of me. His hand covered my heart and I gasped when I felt a sharp pain. Looking down I saw his hand, but it looked like a talon and one of his claws was piercing my heart. "Why?" I choked.

"Shh love, unleash your magic, Victor. You are one of only a handful of male banshee and so much stronger than you realize. You will need your magic for what is coming," he cooed into my ear. "Now, cum for me." His thrusts became fierce as he still cupped my cock with one hand, while the other dug deeper into my heart. I cried out as we both came and felt the same fire spreading inside of me. He gently released me and laid me on the bed. I saw Avery's soft gaze as she leaned down to kiss me.

"You'll understand when you wake up, grá. Luke did for you what the serpent did for me. I love you," she whispered then pulled away.

Gabe leaned in and pressed his lips to mine next, "I love you, Victor. I get the feeling I'm next so I guess we'll exchange fucking notes when we wake up," he chuckled.

I gave a rueful half-laugh and nodded, unable to speak as I fell into the darkness. The last thing I heard was Luke in my mind. "Rest my beautiful mate. You will understand soon."


Luke turned to me with a predatory gaze and grinned. However, before I realized it, Avery had sunk her teeth into my neck, making me moan loudly. "Oh," I groaned as my entire body became aroused. When she pulled back, Luke grabbed her mouth and kissed her, swiping the blood from her tongue, then turned back to me. "Luke," I groaned when he grabbed me, tugging me toward him. He licked at the side of my neck that Avery had bitten then the other side just before plunging in his fangs. I instinctively gripped him, pulling our bodies against each other. When he pulled back our eyes met and I was mesmerized by his - they looked almost catlike and seemed to peer in my soul.

"Make love to us, my husband," he growled.

"Always," I groaned when I felt Avery's lips around my cock. Her innocent look was so deceptive as she took me deep. I gripped her hair and panted as Luke moved behind me, pressing inside of me. My eyes practically rolled back into my head at the pleasure that consumed me. I kept expecting Luke to repeat the process of piercing my heart that he had done for Victor, but he never did. Instead, he and Avery brought me to the most mind-shattering orgasms of my life again and again, until my entire body was shaking. We fell into the bed as Victor still slept, all three of us panting.

"Leave it to you to make the damn dragon breathless," Luke laughed.

I snorted, "I always told you I had talent." Avery giggled at our banter, then leaned up and kissed me softly. I cupped her face and sighed. "Damn, I love you three so much. No matter what happens, this - all of you, have been the best part of my life."

Her smile faltered. Great way to fuck up the mood, Gabe.

"Gabriel," she whispered, her lips ghosting against my hand. "My Gabriel, while I promise I won't open the gate, I won't let you go without a fight. The same goes for Owen. There has to be a way to beat her at her own game."

"I know, Chaton. If anyone can figure it out, it's you." I craned my neck to look at Luke, his eyes normal once again. "So are you going to do that talon thing to me as well?"

He shook his head, "No, that was because they both had their darkness and Fae repressed. Mab already broke your magic. Like Marith told you that day, you are already seeing shadows. I can sense there is something else there, but it isn't meant to be revealed yet. Perhaps, my dear husband, your role is larger than you think in all of this."

"Damn, when did you get so philosophical?" I laughed.

"Eh, it's a dragon thing," he grinned. "The perks of suddenly remembering over a thousand lifetimes make a person quite reflective.

I choked, "Did..did you just say one thousand?"

"No, I said over one thousand," he smarted back, then kissed my parted lips. "Now, I think we all need to get some sleep."


My eyes opened to complete darkness. I went to rub them, thinking I must still be dreaming, only to realize my hands were bound. When I tried to speak, nothing came out. What the fuck is going on?

"Oh good, you're awake. It's always so much more interesting when humans struggle and beg for their pathetic lives," a scratchy voice said. Something tugged and dim light filled my eyes as the thing covering them was removed. "Surprise Gabriel," the voice said. I blinked rapidly, trying to get my eyes to focus. However, I soon wished I hadn't as I looked up at what had been Chloe. She still resembled the human form, but now she was skeletal-looking with a shadowy aura. Her eyes were pitch black and her skin looked sickly, much like the Kelpie's had. "I'm sure you remember Olivia," it said, motioning to the frail-looking figure nearby. She barely looked human. "Although, the poor thing is almost used up," the creature laughed. "No worries, Gabriel. Your death will be quick. I just need a shadow-tainted heart to open the gate, and you, my boy fit the bill perfectly. However, I had wanted to take Owen. Even a shadow queen can have her feelings hurt when she's rejected," she pouted, "but there you four were just sleeping in the open. Oh well, can't look a gift sacrifice in the mouth now can we?"

I rolled my eyes - not only is she a freaking creepy shadow, but she's fucking nuts.


I bolted up in the bed when I heard their screams, then practically doubled over as the visions flooded into my mind. Gabe - he's the sacrifice. Brandon tugged at my arm, the same haunted look in his eyes, letting me know he saw them too. We ran to the small grove along with the others. Kota and Nate were carrying the twins, while Owen had Erin in his arms. When we arrived, both Avery and Victor had their heads thrown back as black shadows swirled around them. Luke was clutching both of them. Gabe was already gone.

Author's Notes: need tissues...

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