FIFTY: Let Me Show You Something

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^^^^^^That's how I imagine her dress only in pink and white of course. Of course if you don't like it then please by all means, think of another one just no hate please. 

Kawaii-Chan's POV:

"Well? What do you think?" Kia asked nervously as I looked around the ballroom decorated in a bunch of light colours to go perfectly with Easter and a large table was set up on the side with a bunch of food for everyone.

I smiled and looked at Kia, she still looked so nervous and I knew she was terrified for everyone to see this and I don't understand why because the ballroom looks gorgeous.

"Kia it's beautiful! You did an amazing go let your guests in, it's your duty as host" She smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around me before running down the two steps and took off towards the doors.

Everyone was waiting just outside the doors for her to open them and I smiled looking around the room at how gorgeous everything looks right now and I know everyone will love it.

I'm now dressed in a floor length gown with gold detailing up it and fitted be loose in the back and dragged slightly behind me with a halter neckline and mesh scarves hanging around my shoulders.

I paired it with a pair of pink simple heels and my hair is pulled back into soft curls and pinned up with a few strands out around my face and a little bit of hair resting down my back.

Feeling someone next to me, I turned my head to see Zane now standing there still dressed in all black but had a nice suit on, I smiled at him and he smiled back as the doors opened.

Looking over I watched everyone walk in and Kia watch their reactions nervously before they all smiled and started complimenting how beautiful it looks in here.

Kia's eyes lit up and I smiled at her reaction as her friends rushed towards her to compliment her for how everything looks so amazing and beautifully set up.

A hand brushed against mine and I looked up at Zane as he turned towards me, I smiled at him and slid my hand into his out of instinct and he squeezed it.

"Let me show you something" I nodded my head and glanced over to see Imana looking at me, I smiled at her and she smiled back while I quickly mouthed I'd be right back and followed Zane.

Slipping out of the ballroom with him, I looked at him confused but I just followed him down the hall having to jog to keep up with him but I knew I could trust him.

Bunching up my dress slightly, I ran around the corner with him and looked back to see a few people watching us but they simply smiled and continued on with their day.

We passed Garte who laughed at us and continued towards the ballroom, ducking under the arch way, I realized we were heading down towards the basement.

"What are you doing?" I asked, he just ignored me and ran down the stairs with me still following behind him, I jumped off the stairs and he stopped opening the trapdoor and started climbing down.

I waited until he was done there and started climbing down the ladder without a second thought, he has something planned I just know it.

Hands wrapped around my waist, I smiled as he lifted me off the ladder and set me down on the ground, I looked around to see everything intact down the hallway so far.

I went to question him again but he just shushed me and pulled me with him as we ran down the long hallway towards the doors guarded by the guards.

They said nothing to us and opened the doors without another word, I smiled at them as we ran inside and I looked around confused noticing a small platform in the middle.

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