THIRTY-THREE: I'll Do Anything!

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Zane's POV:

Picking up the basket, I heard someone call my name and I turned around to see Eyrx walking towards me with a serious expression on his face but I didn't care.

I've hardly spoken a word to him since I've been around and I wasn't interested in hearing what he has to say, so I dropped a potion and teleported back nearby.

Something isn't right.

My stomach turned uneasily and I slowly moved back towards where she had been left, sliding a dagger out, I held onto it tightly as I moved quietly and carefully.

She wouldn't be trying to hide or do anything like that because if somehow she was, I wouldn't be feeling like this if she just trying to sneak up on me as some sort of joke.

She's not here.

Panicked flooded my body and I moved closer seeing her machetes laying on the ground and my eyes darted around as I searched for where she might be.

"Princess!" I shouted, I dropped the basket and ran in the direction she knows of the forest, snow crunched under my boots as I ran through the forest searching for.

"Princess this isn't funny!" I shouted but still heard nothing, my hands started shaking as I stopped and looked around to see if maybe she had fallen down by the pond she did once.

"Nana!" I shouted, spinning around trying to figure out where she could be when I heard a noise and a cackle, I know that cackle and my blood ran cold.


I ran back as quickly as I possibly could, he had something to do with this and now that he has her I just know he's going to be planning something to get me back.

I disappeared this morning only so I could tell him I was done with whatever it is he wants me to do, I wouldn't do it anymore but I left out that it was because of Nana.

Stopping, I seen nothing but a note stabbed into a tree, running towards it, I ripped the knife out and threw it to the ground when it started burning my skin from the spell on it.

Grabbing the note before it could blow away, I unfolded it and quickly read it.

Your princess is sure a beautiful little thing isn't she. You want her back Ro'Meave? Come and get her.

I knew exactly where he was right now and I knew if I didn't show up soon, he was going to do something to her and keep on going until I agreed to whatever condition he wanted.

Pulling the potion out, I dropped it and the blinding light came over my body for a moment before disappearing and I was standing in front of a large building.

Lucinda stumbled out and noticed me, I stared at her for a moment and I could see the guilt and fear on her face before she rushed off without another word.

I ran inside and instantly went for the stairs that would lead to the basement, running down them I jumped off them and looked around noticing Bastian in the corner.

He grinned and stepped out into the light where I seen a few marks on his face, Kawaii-Chan had gotten a hold of him at some point during this entire thing.

That's my girl.

He walked towards me and I seen him holding a butchers knife but there was no blood on it so I knew he hadn't laid a hand on her just yet or at least he better of not.

"Where is she?" I snapped out, I listened for any noise and I heard something coming from upstairs, she's been upstairs and I had no idea, he wanted me down here for a reason.

Zane⁓Chan: The Princess And The ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now