FORTY: Fighting For Tu'la

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^^^^^^I know there was a different outfit but it'll all make sense once you read this and this what I imagine her outfit being changed too. The only difference is there is no wings when she first shows up or swords (she still uses her machetes) and there is pink lining around the gold as well. Also if anyone knows who made this or posted it could you please tell me so I can give them credit. 

Narrator's POV:

"You're in my seat"

Everyone froze, Zane smirked as Bastian looked around for the voice when suddenly a blur flipped over him and landed on the ground ten feet away from the throne.

Gasps and whispers were heard as she stood up, no longer in the outfit she once was and in all white armor with gold detailings and pink detailings surrounding it.

The same armour the elemental goddess used to wear as her hair was pushed back and she stood there, machetes in hand and her head titling to the right, her eyes flashing red.

Flames danced up her arms as Bastian stared at her with wide eyes realizing that someone had told her ahead of time and she took what he was after.

"Impossible" He whispered, Kawaii-Chan shook her head and flipped her machetes back into holders and raised her left hand out with a calm expression on her face.

"You're in my seat" She repeated and flames shot out of her hand and went flying to him, he jumped out of the way and landed on the ground just as she snapped her fingers and he was sent flying across the room.

Bastian crashed into the wall and landed on the ground, he spit up some blood and coughed as he shakily pushed himself up off the ground and stumbled looking over.

Kawaii-Chan had taken her spot on her throne once again and stared at him with an angered expression on her face but she still glanced around the room.

That's when she noticed Zane behind her siblings, watching the entire thing but she remembered she couldn't focus on him and looked back at Bastian who had a glowing purple ball of light forming around his right hand.

"You're her descendant" He said and walked towards her, Kawaii-Chan hummed already knowing that and sat up straight, crossing her left leg over her right leg.

"That I am. You should do more research before you attack my Kingdom Bastian" Kawaii-Chan smiled at him as her people watched in amazement and the bandits didn't dare to move.

Kawaii-Chan flicked her fingers and the bows and arrows along with their weapons were ripped from their hands and burned into nothing but ashes in the middle of the room.

Kawaii-Chan looked back at Bastian.

"Shame the world won't have their elemental goddess for much longer" Bastian chuckled and Kawaii-Chan stood up knowing exactly what he was going to do.

Kawaii-Chan flipped her machetes out and Bastian let a sword form in his hands as he swung it around and got ready, Kawaii-Chan yelled out the Tu'lan battle cry.

With that the guards in the room charged the bandits and Kawaii-Chan charged Bastian at the same time Bastian charged her.

Zane grabbed Kia and Malyk and pulled them back, forcing them back as guards surrounded the royal family and Zane ripped the cloak off and covered Kia with it and handed her the bag of potions.

"You know how they work, use them if necessary but do not move from this spot" Kia and everyone nodded their heads and Zane turned around running out into the battle.

Kawaii-Chan jumped up and swung her machetes down at Bastian and he blocked it with his sword but slid back and Kawaii-Chan landed on the ground.

Bastian charged her and she flipped backwards, kicking her foot into his chin and sending him flying back as she landed on the ground and stood up.

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