SIXTEEN: Trail Rides

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Kawaii-Chan's POV:

When I was a little girl, I used to play pretend, I'd use my imagination and pretend that I was somewhere completely different from Tu'la, whether or be flying on a dragons back or fighting pirates in the sea.

I'd be flying on a dragons back that I had named Seze or another name I couldn't seem to remember while Brielle would pretend to be the dragon and run through out the castle with arms widened to the side like wings.

If I was fighting pirates, she was the enemy pirate and we would run throughout the castle fighting each other with anything we could find, Brielle always let me win and would play dead when I won.

As I got older and playing pretend vanished from my mind, I used to watch all the teeangers of Tu'la walking around talking and laughing as they made their way to and from school.

I was never allowed to go to school or at least not to the actual school in Tu'la but instead I'd be stuck in the library where I was privately tutored by an older woman who didn't like children.

She used to get angry at me for the simplest things and called me a spoiled brat, she hated me the most becuase I was the princess of Tu'la and she thought I was just a spoiled and rude girl.

But she was also a wonderful teacher because by the time I was 14 years old I knew 10 languages and was at the level of what most 20 year olds are at.

I finished schooling when I was 17 years old and yet I never stopped learning things, I would spend my time in the library tucked away from the world and read as many books as I could.

That is when I came across the storybook that Brielle used to read to me when I was a little girl and I found myself reading the book myself and longing for the love the characters had in the story book.

I used to wonder if I would ever get to experince the kind of love I had read in the storybook, but I quickly realized that love like that doesn't exist to someone from a royal family.

Now I'm 27 years old and was forced into an arranged marriage that I had run away from, and now here I am pretending to be engaged to the thief who had helped me escape and has been on my nerves ever since.

I have no idea how my life became this and wondered if soon I'd have to accept that maybe just maybe I'd need to have an arranged marriage just so the Kingdom of Tu'la would have a heir.

Abel, Coven, Talulla, Kenji, and Micka had found love by escaping the crown and one day I know Malyk, Mehkin, Kylo, and Kia would find love on their own time.

Cyrus would never be able to find love like he always wanted too but he is still going to be loved and honored by the people of Tu'la and I hope somehow he knows this.

"Nana!" Looking over my shoulder, I smiled when I seen Malyk on his horse Ferris cantering towards me, tugging gently on Seze's reins she turned heading in their direction.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school Malyk?" I asked him, he laughed nervously as he stopped next to me scratching the back of his head.

"Well they are learning about some umm things I already know about and yeah" He nervously said, I laughed adjusting Seze's reins into my one hand and reached out pinching his arm.

"No more missing school Malyk" Malyk nodded his head and turned Ferries around walking next to me towards the barn.

"I haven't seen Zane in a day. Do you suppose he has run off? Though that would be dangerous with King Damien still in the castle and in Tu'la" Malyk asked.

King Damien has been here for a week and has not made any sorts of plan to leave Tu'la, I am growning more and more impatient with his presence in the castle and wanted him gone.

Zane⁓Chan: The Princess And The ThiefWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu