TWENTY-TWO: A Tale Of A Princess

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Kawaii-Chan's POV:

Jumping slightly when someone placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Coven standing there with a smile on his face as he watched almost our entire family back together again for the first time in a long time.

The only people that were not present at this moment are my parents, Cyrus, and Micka who still has yet to be found because all letters sent out to her last known location are sent back.

However this Christmas morning has been wonderful with Abel and his family, Talulla and hers, Coven, Kenji and his, Mehkin, Malyk, and Kia were here.

It was later on in the morning of Christmas Day and everyone was going through all they gifts they had gotten from everyone, I listened to Kia talk with Abel's eldest daughter Yuka and Talulla's eldest daughter Senera talking about their gifts.

When Malyk called Coven, he walked towards him with a smile on his face and I watched as Abel's wife, Emmaline stand up and walk towards me with a small nervous smile on her face.

Despite the fact that they are here a lot there isn't much I know about Emmaline, I know about everyone else's spouses but Emmaline seems to avoid me and I don't understand why.

"Thank you your majesty" Emmaline whispered, I looked at her confused, none of my siblings spouses have ever called me that before because I asked them not too, they are my family too.

"Emmaline you do not have to call me that. Please call me Kawaii-Chan" I said, she nodded her head and looked around for a moment to find somewhere to sit.

I pointed to the second throne next to me, her eyes widened slightly but she nodded her head and walked towards the chair, I watched her hesitantly sit down as I turned my attention to her.

"I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for my family since you've become Queen. I know I don't speak to you much and I do apologize for that but truth be told is I fear you hold resentment towards me" My eyes widened as I stared at her.

"Why would I ever hold resentment towards you Emmaline? You are my brothers wife and make him happy and are the mother of those three beautiful girls" I said, she smiled proud of her daughters being called beautiful.

"Because if Abel never met me, he would've become King and you never would've had to sacrifice your freedom to save your siblings freedom" My mouth snapped close for a moment.

I had no idea she had ever thought that way before, if I had known about her worrying I resented her I would've told her the entire truth and now I feel awful for her believing that.

"Emmaline I do not resent you. You saved Abel from a life he never wanted. I will admit I was angry at first when I realized I'd become Queen but I was more angry because my siblings had left me when I needed them the most too. I never held it against you, I held it against Abel and he knows this. But over time I looked forward to becoming the Queen of Tu'la and I am happy with how my life is now. I never resented you Emmaline Ashida and I never will" Relief flooded her as she grabbed my hand.

"Thank you for not blaming me Kawaii-Chan" I smiled at her and nodded my head squeezing her hand back and she stood up with a smile.

She walked past me without another word and joined Abel once again, I looked straight at him as he smiled and I returned the smallest smile that I could muster.

I looked around realizing that Zane was not present here this morning, he must not of thought that he was welcome on Christmas Morning and I couldn't help but be a little disappointed by that.

Brielle went to spend Christmas Day with her younger brother and his family like she has done for as long as I can remember and would be back tomorrow morning.

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