EIGHTEEN: Goodbye Princess

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Kawaii-Chan's POV:

Ducking under the low arch way, I looked around spotting some guards preparing for their morning shifts while others were returning from the night shift to get some sleep.

I smiled at them as they all greeted me and I looked around for one person specifically, walking further into the guards quarters I spotted Eyrx speaking with Kenji.

"Hey baby sister" Kenji said, I smiled as I stopped in front of them.

"Good morning Kenji. Have you and the guards ate yet?" I asked, he shook his head.

"No" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Please go and eat. There's food set for all of you in the dining room. I need to speak with Eyrx in private" Kenji stood up nodding his head and grabbed his weapons walking out.

I waited until I heard the doors closed and looked around to see all the guards had left to get some food, I turned bac kto face Eyrx who stood up dressed in some sparring clothes.

It had been a day since he did what he did and a day since Zane told me that Eyrx loves me, I have given him time to calm down and think about everything that happened.

"Eyrx I am not going to stand here and scold you like you are a child. I do want to know what is going on with you? You haven't been yourself since Zane stepped into the castle" I said, he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head.

"Your majesty I do apologize for my actions a day ago. I did not mean to cause you any harm and I did exactly what a guard should do. I protected you" I shook my head.

"No you did not. You let your emotions cloud your judgement and you acted on them. To be a guard you must refrain from doing so in situations like that. However you are also human and sometimes emotions win" Eyrx looked relieved to see I am not angry at him.

"Are you and Zane alright?" He asked, I nodded my head.

"Yes we both are. Zane had a potion that healed the gashes up in a minute. Zane does not to seem to hold that against you however if you do something like that again I will" He nodded his head and I turned around to walk out.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around my already bruised wrist and pulled me back, I went to ask what he needed when suddenly he crashed his lips down onto mine.

My entire body tensed up as I realized not only was he kissing me but this was the first time I have ever been kissed by someone when it was not for show like with King Damien.

It took a moment for my mind to snap back to reality and when it did, I shoved him away with so much force I stumbled back into the wall behind me.

My eyes were wide as I stared at him and he realized what he had done, before he could say anything, I turned around and ran out of the guard quarters.

"Your majesty!" I heard Eyrx shout but I ignored him and kept on running until I was far enough away to take a breath and have a moment.

Leaning against the wall, I pushed a few strands of hair out of my face and leaned my head back against the wall trying to think of what I could possibly do in this moment.

I did not have feelings for Eyrx that much I knew, and I knew I never would have feelings for him but I have no idea how to go about this because Eyrx has been my guard since I was 16 years old and he was 18 just coming out of guard training.

"Good morning your majesty" Jumping, I looked over to see Brielle standing there and I knew everything would be better if I talked to her so I rushed towards her.

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