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Over the next few days, I stayed out of Kayne's way. I needed to get focused on the task at hand of getting the boss off my back. Unfortunately, I haven't got very far because all my thoughts and dreams are filled with him.
Every twist and turn I make, he's there in my home and my head. I've only seen him a few times this week, mostly at night time though because he's working a lot. It's sometimes until late if he's working on a big tattoo. So, I guess that's a bonus in keeping him out of my way.
As much as the distance helped a little, I've still found it so hard to focus. Since the moment I clapped my eyes on him, he's all I've thought about. It's just not on! I can't get distracted like this. It's just not normal behaviour for someone like me. I don't get all doe-eyed over a man. Yet every time I've seen him, I take sneaky glances. I've even caught him looking at me, quite a few times actually. He's probably wondering why this crazy bitch is staring at him. Why is she looking like she wants to eat me?
The problem now is that I'm running out of ideas. I'm staying out of his way but it's proving difficult. Hell, especially since he lives in the same house. So, one thing I did was visit my dad. I brought flowers. I like to sit them in his spot. He loved roses, so I'm taking him a few white ones, hence my middle name, Rose.
After he died, my mother had his body cremated. It was his wish, but it was my mum who wanted to scatter his ashes in the River Tyne. It was his favourite fishing and thinking spot.

As Mars pulls up to the dock, she notices it's getting a little dark.

I don't enjoy coming here when it's dark, but as always, it's down to my arse of a boss. He'd kept me back again, so it meant I had to come later than planned. Luckily, I bought the flowers early this morning, just in case this happened. "Always be prepared," is what my dad would say. He'd also tell me to always wear clean underpants. He'd say "You never know what's around the corner, so just in case you get run over by a car. Hell, even a bus? Always wear clean under-kecks because nobody wants to see funky underpants."
Funnily enough, I got hit by a car once when I was about ten years old and yes, I had clean underpants on. The day it happened was when my sister tried to get me to join the marching band, one she was a member of. Yet after a few hours of watching her do her thing, (oh, and after the ringing in my ears stopped) it was time to go home. I was still undecided whether to join or not but I enjoyed watching Stacey march around. I chuckled a few times too, only because I thought it was funny. I mean, just the way they did it was strange to me.
I remember her threatening me at one point. I may have been distracting her, making her make mistakes. Anyway, so we're sat on the bus heading home. I'd been teasing her about her marching skills. I think I said she marched kinda like a waddling duck. So, when we arrived at our stop, I rushed off, needing to get away from her. She had enough of me taking the piss, so she chased me. Once my foot hit the tarmac, I bolted and ran in front of the bus. The bus hadn't pulled away yet, so as you can probably guess, there was a car coming from the side. By the time I realised what was happening, it was too late. I saw the headlights and the next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground shaking with the cold. Sadly for me, it rained that day, so my clothes were drenched by the time the ambulance came.
While the rain came down on my face, all I could see were faces standing around me. I remember saying I wanted my dad, where's my dad? I remember feeling so scared. I kept going in and out of consciousness, only seeing little bits of what was happening here and there.
The next time I woke, I remember feeling so cold being laid up in a hospital bed. My mum said they'd taken my wet clothes off, which made me feel worse.
Thankfully, I only suffered a few cuts and bruises on my head and body. It was my back that suffered the worst. For what felt like months, every time I'd try to walk fast or run, my whole body would pull tight. I'd have trouble breathing, it was awful! Eventually, the pain went away after a while. Seriously, I hope never to go through that again... As for the marching band with Stacey, it kinda put me off. I didn't join her again after that day. Poor Stacey was in bits. She saw it all happen, bless her. I think it traumatised her a little. I'm only assuming because she'd never let me out of her sight after that. Hell, especially when it came to roads.

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