Once all the nasty women had gone, they both dusted themselves off, and looked around, confused. I took this as my cue to enter the stage, and waltzed right over to them, slinging my arms around both their necks.

'Hey amigos! Glad you could join us, huh?' I grinned at them.

Hazel scolded me. 'Leo! This is no time for jokes! We- '


Oh yeah. I was meant to be dead.

'Yeah, the one and only!'


Owie. Then I got a hug from her, so all's good.

Then, it was Frank's turn.


Owiex2. Then I got a massive bear hug, so all's good.

Then, my shirt was wet due to the tears. Come on guys!

'L-Leo? How?'

'I'll explain it later guys, to everyone, but first, let's hear your story, since I'm sure you have one.'

'Well, we were battling some empousai in Camp-' 'Caaamp Outdoors!' I said, trying to keep the camps a secret. Frank looked at me as if I was joking. Why would I, Leo Valdez, joke at such a time like this? Some people. Hazel looked like she had given up, and carried on. That's the power of McShizzle.

'Whatever, and now we're at- actually, where are we?' She looked around confused, and so did Frank.

'Well,' I said, ' The Fates have sent us here, since we needed to warn them.'

'Who is them? And where is here?' Frank looked at me, expecting answers.

'Well, my dear Iguana- joking- Joking! Them is all the people around you, and here is Camp half blood.
We have been sent into the past, in Percy's time, where we have to warn all the young kiddos here about our lives, and apparently a threat that's coming.'

Frank and Hazel both looked stunned, and so I gave them a moment to process.

Only a moment though. Not two moments or three.

'Come on! I'll introduce you to the gang!' And I pulled them over to our special table, where all of us and our mini us-es were, and Hazel just looked confused.

'W-why are there 2 of everyone? And why does Percy look- well, look non-godly?'

All us futures laughed at this, and Percy just stared at her, confused.

'Huh? Non-Godly?' He asked. 'Yeah, how do you expect this boy to look good?' Annabeth added.


'Hey! At least I look better than you!' He retorted.

Never, I mean NEVER, say that to a girl.

Annabeth looked ready to murder.

'Hey! Break it up!' I said, pushing in between them, separating them.

Percy Jackson and the Time TravellersWhere stories live. Discover now