Rollercoaster Of.....

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          It was about a week left until the delivery day and 2 weeks to the Cold Season. Liangyu had the tribe reworked in their system of hierarchy to their housing structure, food storage and level of security. She was genuinely satisfied as she was carried around the tree, touring it on Empyreon's back as the glided from branch to branch. Liangyu however thought of carving a stairway in the tree's walls so as to go from one part of the tree to the other without feeling nauseous at the end.

As she thought of it her thoughts strayed to her soon approaching delivery date which made her stomach turn. Yes she wanted the baby but the pain? Hell no. She dreaded the thought as she also thought of how her pregnancy hormones have really messed up her mood which has become more unpredictable and irrational as well at her sleeping and eating habits. Now she was plump and with her growing belly, had gain a few more pounds than expected.

She sighed as they landed near a shallow pool of water. Empyreon lowered himself and extended his wing to aid her in getting off safely which she was grateful for. She carefully got down and walked to the pool and splashed her face with water then undid her rat's nest of a hair then wash it with a slippery slimy mix which smelled like berries. She was careful with this as she slowly undid the coils in the hair. Empyreon appeared and undressed her then princess carried her and entered the water. He stood with her in his arms for a bit before lowering himself and immediately, instead of cold, freezing water, she was met with warm water and relaxed. Empyreon had heated his body temperature rapidly which caused the water to heat up. If anything, it was one of his characteristics she was grateful for. As Liangyu enjoyed the gentle pampering, the earth suddenly and violently shook as the water splashed and Empyreon held her close to his body.

Liangyu cursed. She knew that this place was prone to earthquakes but this was too sudden! She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach and let of a pained moan. Empyreon looked down at her and saw a trickle of blood coming from between her legs and immediately screeched. Feng was on his way but when he heard the screech, he ran faster.

The quaking gradually subsided and immediately he get to shore and laid her on a hide skin under a tree and almost immediately..... Liangyu went into labor...... A very painful one at that.....


         Virgil who was receiving reports from the kids suddenly froze and  felt as if someone was clawing his heart out while he was alive. It was pain beyond any he had felt in his lifetime.
He was convulsing on the floor. The girls were frantically trying to help him as Litia sat down and focused on him. She lifted her hands above him and an emerald green glowed was emitted.
Sweat dripped down her body like a streams as she focused to calm him down. Her eyes were turning red and blood dripped down her nose. The rest of the girls went out and rapid fired commands as they ensured the perimeter was safe.

Litia focused and after nearly 30 minutes, he calmed down but was knocked out. Litia was breathing heavily, the girls came in a few minutes later and only then did Litia show the true extent of her wounds.



Stella shouted as she caught her before she fell

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Stella shouted as she caught her before she fell.

"..... Rin,"

Alice called out. Rin appeared by her side.

"Yeah.... Mom's in pain..."

Mae looked at them.

"What do you mean by.... In pain?"


Rin and Alice glanced at her then said in a solemn voice,

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Rin and Alice glanced at her then said in a solemn voice,

".... Mom's in labor...."


            A certain White Tiger and his caravan were on their way back to the City Of Beasts. Winston was leading the troops as they made their way through the evergreen forest. He moved like on autopilot as he dwelled on the oath he took to Liangyu.
It surprised him how merciful she was but he still thought of her personality as unknown.

'..... Though she allowed me freedom of choice so....'

He thought. He did wonder why she did that though.


A scream of terror sounded in the distance. The males plus the females they had exchanged for and rescued from rootless males all stiffened.

"Guard the females and the goods! I'll go alone!"

Winston growled before sprinting off. He was able to pinpoint the exact location of the scream and rushed off. When he neared, he smelled the scent of blood and arousal.


He moved more cautiously as he finally saw a scorpion male trying to mount a female. She cried out in distress as the male took more pleasure in causing her distress. Winston couldn't stand this. He felt something deep within snap as he lunged at the male and ripped his head off without a second thought. Blood splattered on the female who was too shocked to speak anymore.

'.... What?'

Then she fainted.
He spat the head out of his mouth and grimaced at the taste before looking down at the female. He saw she was unconscious and sighed. He wrapped his tail around her waist, lifted her and kept her on his back as he slowly made his way back to the caravan.....

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