Little Moments Of Peace......

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                 Liangyu was taking it easy and adjusted to her pregnancy quickly. Though her appetite now was voracious, she ate healthy meals packed with nutrients, made sure to sleep as much as needed, took frequent walks around the village and relaxed as much as she could. It was nearing the end of the wet season and soon the harsh cold season would be here. Hence, Liangyu had to prepare the way she could.

Currently, she sat on Feng's laps and was being fed fruits and nuts lovingly as she stared down the Village Chief, Nicholas, and his unmated sons. Liangyu barely glanced at his offspring as she focused on Nicholas.

"........ Nicholas....."

Her voice deep with displeasure had him shaking.

"..... Though I had taken Alva as my Beast Pet,"

Alva flinched and he grit his teeth in anger. She glanced at him but only snorted coldly and continued,

"....I would like to propose a deal with you."

Nicholas stared at her then asked,

"What kind of deal?"

She smirked.

"Oh nothing complex..... I will take in one of your eons as my mate and in return grow this village...."

Nicholas frowned. She would be monopolizing the chieftaincy position. He wasn't pleased.

"..... Oh right!"

She clapped her hands and smiled.

"How about I bestow emeralds upon your mate.... It seems she's become ill...."

Nicholas' eyes flew wide open.

".... How did you know that?!"

He looked ready to pounce.

"Calm down. It was pretty easy... Actually, it was just a guess but who knew I was right?"

She smiled wider. Nicholas felt uneasy in her presence but sighed and tsked.

"..... If you really do what you promised then I accept the deal.... Only if the son you take in is treated properly and we swear by the Beast Deity...."

Nicholas wanted to do at least that much for his offspring. Liangyu looked ecstatic and her tail wagged happily.

"Of course!"

Nicholas looked relieved that she at least accepted that.

"I Nicholas, Chief of the Peacock Tribe, swear by the honourable Beast Deity to give out one of my offspring to....."

"Qin Liangyu."

"To Qin Liangyu in exchange of emeralds and my Village's growth.

A golden halo appeared on his wrist.

"I Liangyu, swear to fulfill this promise."

A golden halo appeared on her wrist too as it carved the intricate tattoo of a tree without leaves. She stared at the tattoo at Nicholas explained.

"When the tree grows leaves all over, it would mean you have completely followed through with your side of the deal. Then it would fade away."

Liangyu hummed in delight.

"Alright then! Feng!"

"Almost done."

She smiled. Feng was using the Mate Finder Function of the System. She transferred it to him since he was the Head Male. Feng gazed at the males and frowned. None of them had a high compatibility rate.

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