Liangyu Schemes

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                 Liangyu stared at the female with morbid curiosity.

'Lei saved her and brought her here..... That's weird considering his personality.....'

She narrowed her gaze at the female. She was exceptionally beautiful but had a few bruises and cuts all over, especially her feet, as she looked very terrified.

"....... Who are you?"

Kaira flinched. Liangyu's voice was cold and it reminded her of a certain someone.

'........ Is she.....'

She furrowed her eyebrows. She looked up at Liangyu who looked annoyed.

'She's wasting my time......'

She furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms then walked over to the Jaguar's side and sat crossed legged.
Kaira got the message that she had no patience so she immediately spoke,

"..... My name is Kaira from the Hawk Clan.... I was -"


Kaira was startled. She blinked and looked at Liangyu. Unbeknownst to her, Liangyu didn't want to get involved, she had too much on her plate at the moment. She turned to Lei, the cause of this.



She narrowed her intense gaze at the Jaguar. It became too intense and he ended up opening his eyes.

"...... Explain your overgrown furball!"

The Jaguar side glanced Kaira and stretched then yawned.

"'..... No."'

A vein bulged on Liangyu's head as she scowled.


Lei, with his eyes half opened,repeated himself.


Liangyu felt like she would die because of high blood pressure.
Her tail, which somehow fit comfortably in her dress, swayed a little, wanting to stab someone. She thought of stabbing him where the sun don't shine and he immediately jumped and was on full alert.
Meanwhile, Kaira was barely holding on. She held a high status in her tribe and one thing she was thought was to never appear weak. She was panting and sweating seriously but grits her teeth.

'...... I..... Can't ..... Hold-'


She fell backwards into the water and fainted. The two who were busy playing Dragonball Z looked over and saw her floating on the water.





"......... Did she..... Just die?....."

There was silence. The wind blew them they thought of something.

"...... Are we going to prison?!"

The Jaguar was muttering to himself.

"'I don't wanna go to prison, I don't wanna go to prison...."'

Liangyu had a sinister smirk.

"Ah~..... So prison.... The slammer, the dark place, the end of the line, the correctional institutes.... Kekekekekekek!"

She was laughing all by herself. The Corruption, who was there since the beginning, was confused at what she was seeing. So much so that she had a deadpan face.

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