Pregnant?!: Part Two

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             Alpha-06 effortlessly sauntered towards the castle with boredom all over his face. He literally just waltzed right in without any of the numerous guards even attempting to do so. Instead, their eyes were a red shade. Alpha-06 had used a skill in his arsenal called [Hallucinogenic Gas] in a light dosage such that not only the guards but the people around too where under a state where their minds shuts down temporarily for some time. This skil on a high dosage would have killed them all. He continued on into the depths of the inverted palace which led to his ears being assaulted as heavily as his olfactory senses by the noises of females being raped by males in cues outside little rooms eager to claim their prize all while being monitored by a few scorpion guards to keep impatient males from rushing in.

Alpha-06 didn't care about those females being raped, after all, most of them had turned at least one male into a Rootless Beast. He used his skill and slowly but surely descended further down tgis inverted palace, using a System Guide to lead him first to Mitchell.

'....... Oh? How convenient....'

He chuckled darkly as he stared at the 3D map that Mitchell went to meet his father... The old beast who has been a Penta Marked Beast for over 500 Winters.... St Zachary......
He was a formidable being yes he was but before a System Sentry, he was like dust....

Alpha-06 smirked then continued to descend but much faster. In no time, he stood at the entrance to the room of that old monster St Zachary. However, before him was a solid wall of black stone.
He glanced at the map and saw that both the father and son were beyond to his wall but somehow, he was unable to get past it.


He glared at the wall then hissed as his long, muscular yet slender black tail flicked then pierced through the wall. He retracted his tail and saw a hole through the wall.

'........ The one holding me off from breaking through must be inside.....'

He hissed in annoyance as he quickly made quick work of the wall with his tail and strode in with defiance in his steps and boredom in his gaze. He came to a halt before a massive cavern with dozens of tunnels leading from it. The biggest one, however, was where his gaze landed on. And so he took to go down that one, at his own pace.
            Meanwhile, a male knelt before a cold stone throne on a platform with an even colder being seated upon it. The re was a huge resemblance with both havin ominous purple hair, black sclera and a lean yet muscular physique. However, they had different eye colors and skin tones with the one kneeling having beautiful rich olive skin and cold golden eyes whiles the one on the throne had pale white porcelain skin and sinister crimson red eyes which glowed in the cold and dimly lit cavern.

"........ How much progress have you made?"

The low and deep husky voice from the one on the throne reverberated coldly as the one kneeling felt a shiver up their spine and a bead of sweat dripped down their face.

"Yes, Ancient One..... The usual has been going on......"

The beastman on the throne placed his chin in his palm and stared at the tunnel. He tuned out the boring reports which barely changed coming from his only surviving offspring and instead stared intently into the cavern. His senses told him that something dangerous was coming towards their direction. He only snapped out of his gaze when he heard his offspring say,

"We have located a huge deposit of Soul Stones-"


Finally, the evil red eyes of the tyrant met his son's who gulped.

"Near a Tiger village in the forest area. Their borders is the desert, sire..."

The Scorpion tail which lay dormant flicked as a maddening grin stretched out on his face.

"..... Excellent...."

He let out a spine chilling laugh which scared the poor boy shitless. By now you should know who these two are.... Mitchell(The Wuss) and St Zachary(Guy who needs to go see a psychiatric doctor).

Well ladies and gentlemen, these two are about to interact with the being who is the personification of nonchalance and badassery..... Alpha-06....
Thus interaction happens just give minutes after St Zachary laughs like the final boss he is. Alpha-06 hears the echo of the laughter and looks weirded out. He cringes at whoever did that and wonders of they thought of themselves as an all powerful god or something

'...... Even Master rarely does that and he's diabolical!!'

Elsewhere, a certain someone sneezes, much to the displeasure of the Beast Deity, Ariel, who smacks him in the fave as she continues reading a book.
Back here, Alpha-06 dashed into the dimly lit and cold throne room.  Mitchell had made a space in a far wall and hid inside upon the instruction of his father. St Zachary himself gazed upon his new opponent and immediately delt something was wrong.

'..... He has no presence at all!'

He narrowed his gaze on Alpha-06, trying to gauge his power. Alpha-06 picked his ear then looked around and frowned. For that bog tunnel  he thought that his throne room would look impressive but it was nothing special safe for the size and the extreme coldness.

"..... You are trespassing...."

Alpha-06 rolled his eyes. Of course he knew that he was trespassing! He sighed a little and was grateful Liangyu didn't come.

"Okay, let me be straight up with you. I want to dominate your race and recruit both you and your son into my mate's harem."

A deadly silence descended as St Zachary's sinister eyes had a murderous glint in them whiles Mitchell was shocked and scared for the male.

"My female has only 4-"


A huge Scorpion tail whipped and and smacked Alpha-06 into a wall. St Zachary had morphed into his ridiculously massive beast form as he glared down harshly on were his soon to be victim was imprinted on the wall. The dust settled lightly and a low pissed off hiss sounded as the figure of the near 2 meters guy stepped out.


He stretched his body as he looked at the Scorpion.

"..... Domain Creation...."

St Zachary had a bad feeling so he lunged forward in order to kill the guy fast.

"...... Divine Graveyard!"


          Liangyu was stretching and snoring on the bed of furs in a wooden house as the warmth from he fur blanket and the fireplace kept her warm and cozy. She woke up lightly from her sleep as the door opened and in came an Azure green haired stunning peacock exuding youthfulness with two marks on his chest.
He walked lightly over and set a bowl of peeled nuts and fruits down the gazed at Liangyu with hatred in his heart. He wanted nothing more than to kill her but doing so would end his village's existence. As much as he hated the female, he would tolerate her for the sake of the village.

Just as he was walking away, Liangyu rose up and pulled him back with her tail as she snuggled into his warmth. Liangyu was now a cold blooded creature so this is to be expected. The male wanted to kill her then and there but held out and instead laid still. Liangyu, subconsciously, began to grope at his butt, nether regions and suck on his nipples. This made the male aroused really quickly as she used her fingers to... Play with his hole after lubricating it with precum.
He gasped and let out a moan then immediately covered his mouth. This was stimulating the male quickly. He didn't want to mate with her and her grip was too strong on him. He was sure her daughter would kill him in he mates with her.

His body temperature rose then she stopped,leaving him in a hot mess as she snuggled some more and slept soundly. The male was confused then realized that she had done that to increase hus body heat.


He felt angry at the female and ashamed that he enjoyed it.

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