Pregnant?!: Part Finale

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              Liangyu, Feng, St. Zachary and Mitchell all sat around a small wooden table with our baby mama seated comfortable on Feng's laps while being fed edibles from a bowl of fruits and peeled nuts on the table provided by Peacock boy, Alva, guarded the door outside reluctantly all while Liangyu sized them up.

'.... Hmmmm.... I understand Mitchell being here since acquiring him as a mate would be beneficial but.....'

She glanced at St. Zachary.

'Why the hell is he here?!'

She looked at Feng who coughed lightly then began to explain.

".... As Head Male of  your harem, I have to duty to find more males suitable and worthy in order to expand the family....."

He said like a knight giving out an oath to someone. Liangyu had a deadpan face while St. Zachary had a scowl on his face which seemingly made the temperature drop. His son, Mitchell, had decided that this was a moment which would decide his fate as he, who was born rootless hence had no emotions nor desires, might feel something. He was looking forward to perhaps mating with Liangyu who, though seemed fierce and ruthless, actually had a tender side. He didn't show it though as he just kept quiet and watched the show about to unfold.

"..... I REFUSE."

The ancient Scorpion said in a grave voice as his expression looked sour. Liangyu already knew this would be the case as St. Zachary had already had a female before. His twisted loyalty and obsession over her even after decades passed was what led him to becoming the being he was. It was what also led him in his crazed search for her Soul Stones.
If not for Feng, he would have raided and destroyed the Tiger Village and taken the mountain range to search for it. He had no plans whatsoever to betray his lovely mate, even though she's been dead for years. He absolutely refused to search for another female to use like other rootless beasts. It could be said that that was why he hadn't become crazed like the likes of them are..... At least he thought that way.....

        Liangyu sighed when Feng spoke up,

"...... There is a way to bring her back.... Even without the Soul Stones..."


They all looked at him as St. Zachary's tail whipped out, ready to strike with venom dripping.

"Lie and I'll-"

"Calm down little boy...."

The air went stiff, Liangyu face palmed, Mitchell looking flabbergasted that someone had the audacity to call his father, "Little boy", while St. Zachary and Feng both glared at each other with evil intent.

"I can decide to destroy that mountain range if you truly dare me....."

Feng said with a dangerous glint in his eyes as his enigmatic deep voice caused all who heard it to shiver. Liangyu, who did not like how everything was, spoke up.

"I won't mate with anyone until I spend adequate time with my current mates plus the other two in the city.... As well as Winston!!"

She crossed her arms and declared then ate a walnut. This eased the tension in the air a bit. She had her eyes closed at she savored the rich nut flavor of the walnut then she spoke once more.

"Besides, it's not like mating with you is the only way to establish a contract....."

She popped a berry into her mouth and continued as the males listened to her.

"As you can see, this Peacock Village had been acquired by me and I plan on developing it. I've been thinking of large scale agriculture since, after all, not all our produce can come from those back home....."

       Feng popped a berry into her mouth and she ate the continued,

"I have a city called Noxis City situated not too far from Camel Hump Valley hence the resources are plenty but I want to stretch my tentacles out further.... As we speak, with this village including, I have three villages and it's resources at my disposal, 4 mates, 3 potential ones, 5 females children and 4 of which are unmated but extremely powerful, a city with 200,000 plus males who are fit for the battlefield...... And a hidden force......"

She opened her eyes as her gaze turned sharp and a piercing cold fear entered their bones as she spoke in an equally cold tone,

"..... Now, what do you have as tribute to me?"

She gazed down at St. Zachary and Mitchell and they felt a weird and deep oppression from her. Sweat dripped down their foreheads as Mitchell glanced at his father, waiting to see what he would do.

"..... Then what if I give my offspring as tribute? Would that suffice?"

He grinned while Mitchell, though he expected, had his pride hurt.

"....... Tribute?"

Mitchell lowered his head as his hair covered his face while he chuckled.

"... Why should I?"

St. Zachary clicked his tongue. Although Mitchell was interested in Liangyu, that didn't mean he would lower himself to the level of a mere tribute.... Never...

".... Then I have an idea...."

They all looked to Feng as he smiled wickedly.

...............SOME DAYS LATER.............

           The Scorpions where returning back to the desert. Liangyu was sending them off and immediately they were out of sight, went to a random bush to vomit. She had been vomiting recently for some reason she didn't know of. She thought maybe she was sick and would get Litia, her healer daughter, to check her out soon. Feng was patting her back as her held her hair to the side.

'She moving to the third trimester...... She started showing signs of the pregnancy this late though..... Is it a female she's carrying?!!'

He flicked his tongues but couldn't confirm. He felt guilty about not telling she was pregnant for so long so he decided to take her somewhere calm and tell her. Hopefully she wouldn't freak out too much.
So he scooped her off her feet and placed her head gently on his chest so all she would hear was the rhythmic beating of his heart in an attempt to calm down her nausea and though it didn't take the feeling away, it helped lessen it.

He headed towards a small waterfall with no beasts in sight or earshot. He sat down with her on his lap as her lifted her now sickly pale face with his finger so she'd look him in the eyes.

"Liangyu.... I need to tell you something so don't freak out okay?"

Liangyu looked at his now worried face and frowned.

"Telling me not to worry isn't reassuring but okay... Out with it."

He gulped.

"..... You are pregnant with my cubs, Liangyu....."

Liangyu paused then stared at him.

"..... How long?"

".... Huh?"

"I said, "for how long"?"

He blinked the answered.

"... Well... Since we mated so.... 4 or so months...."

Liangyu stared at him and sighed. She had always wondered why she was more emotional nowadays. Turns out it was just pregnancy hormones....


She touched her belly which got rounder by the day.

"...... So even I can get pregnant...."

Feng watched her carefully. She looked to be handling this hole thing calmly which kinda scared him. Liangyu reached in for a deep kiss and looked him in the eyes.

"For the sake of our cubs..... We must build our empire.... It may be time to go to the City of Beasts....."

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