Relaxation: Part Three

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Liangyu had stayed here for 3 days and was actually enjoying herself as she stayed in Camel Hump village. She was being totally cared for, she didn't have to seek comfort in a cave or a forest and the best part was that her annoying guardian was nowhere to be found!
She was having a blast! The only problem was that she didn't have a toilet though, not that there was one anyways.

She was a Bat now so she couldn't come out in the day since the sun light was too harsh in her eyes. Lin noticed this and usually took her out on a stroll at dusk, evening or, if she was awake, dawn. She was totally having fun and enjoying her mate as he was more caring than Alpha-06. She even learned of his back story and why he was so depressed when she was hesitant to mate with him.
She had never had time for romance but she felt she genuinely liked Lin.
However, there was a certain jealous beastman who watched them every day frolicking about and being happy and harmonious. This beastman was, of course, none there than Virgil and he was observing their interaction between each other with pure jealous and untainted malice towards Lin. He wanted to kill Lin right away but deduced that he may fall out of favor with Liangyu.

Liangyu had felt his presence through his mark as well as his malice for Lin and was sure something bad was going to happen. And as she predicted, on the third day of her being there, Virgil made his move.
It was about afternoon when a knock on the door was heard. Liangyu got up to answer it as she felt Virgil's presence right outside the door.

'If Lin opens it, he may end up with a dislocated jaw.....'

Her mouth twitched as she imagined Virgil punching him.


She went over and opened it and saw Virgil with a black face. She sighed and looked at him. He looked at her with an unhappy look on his face as he gave her puppy eyes. She sighed when she saw them. She reached out her hand and rubbed the side of his face with a loving look.

"Welcome, Virgil."

His gaze softened at her voice.

'She hasn't forgotten me... Thank goodness.'

It was a common thing for females to forget about their males so he was worried she forgot of him.

"Liangyu! The food's ready!"

Instantly, Virgil's face darkened as he glared in the kitchen's direction. Liangyu had a nervous bead of sweat drip from her forehead as she sighed and prepared for what was to come.

................15 MINUTES LATER...........

Liangyu sat looking at the two males. Virgil was on her left while Lin was on her right. She watched them stare at each other for a long time.
She had dragged Virgil in to get the acceptance of Lin done with but immediately, Virgil almost killed Lin. She glanced at Lin and saw him struggling to keep eye contact since Virgil was suppressing him with the power of a Tetra Marked. She glanced at Virgil and saw him seriously scrutinizing Lin for what seemed like hours then he spoke,

".... What are your skills in taking care of Liangyu?"

Liangyu eyed him as he glanced at her and glanced back at Lin.

'.... Seriously, I can't believe he's actually investigating Lin....'

Lin flinched but then he spoke,

"I am a good cook, I can make things as long as there is a general idea and I'm good at gathering food according to my mate's taste as I am observant and also a warm blooded male."

'Well, those are good enough skills to get one a mate.... Though I wonder what Virgil will do..'

She side glance Virgil who was considering.

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