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              Lei was staring into the fire as it crackled. By his right was an unconscious Liangyu in a bundle of soft furs and right beside her was Kaira who was watching over her like a faithful servant.
Lei was amused since he had to break and reform her for a whole 5 days to produce the result of a near puppet-like state.

'..... Now that she's under our control, all I need to do is to use her to control the Serpentine Race and finally let 06 be more comfortable and stop disturbing me.'

He was happy about that but he was seriously tensed as his hands were trembling.


He gulped down his saliva and side glanced at Liangyu who looked deathly pale.


He gulped again as he couldn't believe a certain acreen before him.

[Ding, Dong!]
[Sender: The Master
        Prime, your progress is too slow. Hurry it up or else the other candidates will crush you all~
Oh and I want to just say that it seems Liangyu has succeeded with keeping life in her body~
Anyways, keep up the good work and get stronger!]

Lei re-read tge message dozens pf times and gulped. He sent it to Alpha-06 then looked at Liangyu who was undergoing an evolution of some kind.


He sighed deeply as he wondered about the future.

.......IN THE CITY OF BEASTS...........

             Lin was tense as he sat by tye pool with a nervous bead of sweat dripping down him as he tried to procs what the Leopard Queen had just said.

"..... My Queen,"

The Leopard Queen was seated opposite him sipping the juice of some fruits calmly. She glanced at him and placed the bamboo cup down. She then smiled at him.
Lin gulped. He was terrified. Earlier, the Leopard Queen had told Lin of their investigations on the Ape King and ot seemed that he was desperately trying to obtain Emeralds bit for whatever reason is not known. What they are speculating is that he intends to manipulate this war and kill off the other Kings and usurp all the power.... The problem is that this is an assumption and even if it were true, why is he doing so?

The Leopard Queen has come to propose that Lin partner up with them and help them investigate and in exchange, she would stage a scenario and let him return to his mate.
This was why Lin was nervous because there was a lot of risk and he was growing rather impatient as he had long felt her arrival. He thought it over and grit his teeth.

"..... I refuse Your Highness...."

The Leopard Queen expected this so she smiled brilliantly and said in a calm tone,

"Then can you give us advice on how to stop him? Oh and could  you do us a favor and put in a good word for our tribe when your mate comes?"

She asked with a gentle smile. Lin was somehow astonished. Usually, she tried to get information about her cub or would just come over to vent her frustrations. This time, it was a request.

He sighed and lightly smiled.

"Of course, You Highness."

He said politely to which she smiled contently while he looked at the 3 moons in the night sky longing for Liangyu. The Queen stared into the fire nearby as she was in deep thought.

Meanwhile, at the Ape King's Castle, The Ape King was walking through the vast halls of his Castle as the Wolf and Tiger beastman Guards lining the halls bowed in respect.
He smirked internally as he walked towards the inner parts of the Castle were there were little to no guards. He rounded a corner and walked then stopped before a room with a huge light weight purple hide.

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