The Fuck? Winston?!: Part Three

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               Lei was running at top speed in his massive beast form with an unconscious Kaira on his back. They were headed towards the West of the continent, to the territory mostly inhabited by the Snake Clan.
He was seeking to establish a sort of relationship with them through Kaira...... But building an amicable relationship with a feral race would be challenging. Yet he still believed he would be able to and if that didn't work he'd just simply enslave them like Liangyu did in the Tutorial Grounds and transfer the slave mark to Liangyu.

It seemed simple enough to him but he was still cursing.

'Damn! This place is too damn far!!'

He was annoyed though not tired. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that he was crossing the entire continent just to get to the location.
If not for the sake of completing the Mission, he wouldn't have bothered himself. After all, he now had a mate who was pregnant and would need his assistance......


He thought of Liangyu and abruptly paused then let out a few chuffs of happiness as he continued the journey ahead even faster.

.........BACK AT BLACKWOOD TRIBE.............

                Liangyu and her army finally arrived at the tribe's outskirts as they hovered and stared down their opponents menacingly. Suddenly and without warning, beast pressure was released which shocked everyone present as several males nearly fell to their knees at being caught completely off guard. Winston and James, though they managed to hold their own, were struggling to hold on as they felt the sinister aura of death and an intense bloodlust mixed in with the pressure. But there was something weird about it........
This strong beast pressure was coming from the female who seemed to lead them as she had a calm smile on her face which made them all uneasy.

And just like the beast pressure, the female leapt off the hawk and landed a few meters away from the troops.


Dust was kicked up along with rocks and debris. They all squinted their eyes and prepared for whatever would happen next as the dust and debris settled slowly..
Just then, Winston had a nagging feeling that something was up but just couldn't find what it was. It was then he realized something.

""Aww~, how did you know that was a Shadow?""

A sweet but bloodcurdling voice spoke as Winston's body reacted first and he swung his claws to his right, intending to crush the female to the ground.


There was so much force and power behind that strike as the Bear troops tensed up and James had to take a few steps back as he looked at the towering Tiger cautiously.

""Ahahahahahahahahah! Hahahahahah!!""

The cynical and maddening laughter echoed out as all eyes searched for the female.

""You're so strong and so full of potential!!.... No wonder Liangyu wants you....""

The Corruption's voice echoed. All the males were desperately trying to find her when suddenly, a Bear orc roared in pain.


All heads snapped to that direction and they saw a fellow comrade lying dead a few meters away and the Corruption was feasting on it's body. The sight was horrifying and even Winston struggled to keep his cool.
         Then, his eyes met that of the female's and he felt like his whole being was consumed and tortured. He shuddered.


Everything was silent. No one moved as the Corruption flinched then slowly looked to her left and her pupils constricted as she stepped back. Confused, they followed the direction of her gaze and saw a male seated on a tree branch like a tyrant overlord and wore long black robes and had an aura of complete dominance. This male was stupidly gorgeous as he stared down the whole scene looking displeased.

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