Change Of Plans

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             Harvey took Sandra retreated and shielded her while Curtis and Parker did same. Liangyu stood there and watched as the huge boulder which covered the cave behind them was blasted into smithereens as Lin covered her.
She was looking at the Snake and it's features when a screen popped up.

[Ding, Dong!]
[Name: Vox

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Snake

Stripes: 2 Stripes

Status: Feral

Position: 5th Prince

Bloodline: Gold grade

Skills: Assassination Lv 5, Dissecting Lv 4, Venom Bite Lv 6, Venom Spray Lv 5, Night Vision Lv Max, Armored Scales Lv 9, Tail Whip Lv 6, Charge Lv 4, Berserk Lv 2.

Personality: Cheeky, Cunning, Hates females, Likes to create chaos, Loves taking naps, Lazy, Eccentric.
Bonding Level: 76%

Relationship: Mate]

[Ding, Dong!]
[Mission-07: Protect And Calm!
The Snake male Vox has gone on a rampage after his skill "Berserk" was triggered by the venom of Virgil. This is a problem since you are henceforth required to protect the two other earthlings!
Requirement: Do not kill Vox, Ensure The Females' full Safety.
Reward: 1200 Exp, 2 Skills, 5 Profession Training Facility. Punishment: Unknown. Time Limit: 1 Hour.]

She looked at the screen and narrowed her gaze.

'This bloody System wants me, a bloody one stripe female to tame a Snake as long as a fucking train while protecting people at the same time?..... I wonder what drugs this thing is on....'

She scanned the screen again and saw that the [Punishment] was unknown.

"..... Mother always said "Life was about taking risks." but this is one risk I'm never taking...."

She had an ominous feeling about the [Punishment] so she decided to complete the Mission.

'I can always just have Virgil beat it down for me. No big deal!'

But as she thought of that easy way, a screen popped up.

[Ding, Dong!]
[Host can not complete Mission like this indirectly or else all the Exp and rewards go to the one who completed the Mission.]

And just like that, her happy expression darkened. She looked at the Snake and saw that Curtis was fending it off while Parker and Harvey decided to collaborate a protect their females together.
She sighed at their attitude.


She called out as a massive white spider, twice the size of Lin, was by her side in no time. She flinched but calmed down as she recognized him. She focused on what she had to do.

"... I want both you and Lin to protect those two idiots and their males as I fight The Snake."

The moment she finished, the makes went stiff from the shock of their female fighting. They immediately tried to protest but she shut them down.

"Relax you two.... There's a reason why you both couldn't dominate me while mating and I'll show you why so believe me."

She stepped forward but Virgil held her hand. She turned back to look at his face which had heartbreak everywhere. She sighed and patted his head.

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